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VTOL challenge results

52.7k Noname918181818181818181  3.0 years ago

After a few weeks of judging, the results have finally been finalized, and here we are.

Id like give a job well done to all contestants that participated, especially to those who won. Rewards will be given sooner or later.
Special thanks to the mods of the SBH for both sponsoring and helping me judge entries.

Click here to check the challenge entries

Now with that out of the way...


1st: yzp41

2nd: bernkastel

3rd: Juanshot2go

Yak 38
A great plane indeed! Very fun to fly and has the necessary instructions stated in game to make it extremely easy to use. Interior is very nice and it looks extremely good. Great job all around

Poyasakai AV-10C
A very good plane that looks good, flies good and does it's job nicely. Suspension works great on both high and low physics and it's not as laggy on high as I expected. Description was also nicely done with lots of info about the plane itself. Overall very nice


I love everything about this plane. The interior is stunning, and there’s not much I could critique here besides the flight model.
Great job!

Scaft EFA-61

I love the design of this aircraft, it looks very sleek and modern, could use a little more details but eh. It's hard to control during VTOL at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a breeze due to the responsive controls. Flight is a bit sluggish but it's fine. Desc is fun but I'd like a few pictures


*SF-69 Jikbakguri *

The design is nice, but the nose is eh. Would have liked a smoother transition instead of just straight up cone. Flight is also nice, retains its speed very well. VTOL is nice and easy to do, low physics compatibility is also nice altough the weapons tend to explode when you turn on slow motion while manuevering. Desc is also nice.



The design is fine, quite bland looking tbh. I think it would have looked better if it had a razorback thing but eh. VTOL is nice altough the engine tends to catch whenever you rotate it causing some pitch stuff, it's somehow worse on high physics. It flies great, although it is quite wobbly, it is also the most manueverable by far. Desc is eh


VTOL Challenge entry

The design is great, it looks very sleek and angular, like a stealth plane should, although it does look a bit bland. VTOL is simply great. Flight is very nice and elegant. The horizontal stabilizers tend to disintegrate at high speed when low physics. Fuselage cutting would have definitely benefitted this aircraft a lot, because dam that was way more parts than expected. Desc is ok


Mahcro(i) VTOL 2

The design looks nice, I don't quite like the cockpit frame looks tho. It feels very sluggish, yet kinda fun to fly(for me anyways). VTOL could be a lot better, especially if you drop the bombs, it just becomes nightmarish to control. Low physics compatibility is not great meaning VR players may have some difficulties. Desc is nice and very descriptive


LeFloch fly 009

The design is nice, although that front section really just kills it for me. Idk, I don't quite like it. VTOL is nice altough the controls could be a little more responsive, appreciate the lack of gyro tho the lack of authority makes stuff difficult. It's somehow more manueverable than some fighters here and I love that. Desc is informative but boring, could use some form of story and some pics


Ray Concept

The plane is very beautiful, I love the simplicity of the design, unfortunately I cannot say the same about the flight. Pitch is fine, but roll is a nightmare, sometimes it gains so much momentum that it loses all control and crashes. Don't even get me started on low physics, that one was just painful, it flies if it doesn't do that. It feels nice and stable during VTOL most of the time. Desc is nice altough I would have liked some flight instructions.



The plane design is quite weird and unorthodox, and I like it, nose could use some work and I feel the paintjob brings it down for me. VTOL is responsive and the gyro isn't obvious which is nice. Controls well enough, kinda sluggish but that applies to most entries here so sjdjdjjd, it's very simplistic so low physics compatibility is very nice. Desc is nice.


VTOL Challenge entry(F-35)

Kinda disappointed it isn’t colored correctly, but I digress. It doesn’t have any weapons, and cannot lift off the ground in VTOL Mode, but it does have quite a fun flight model, and the instructions give me a nice view on how to use the plane. I like this, but there were many things I would change.

TOTAL: 32/60

Storm 101C

The design is ok, it looks a little bland and I don't quite get the springs on the end of the wing, it kinda ruins the silhouette. VTOL is ok, gyro helps a lot but it still lacks authority, also no yaw control for VTOL. Flight is fine, no issues there, low physics compatibility is nice. Desc is ok but no instructions.



The design is nice, altough the canards look like they were just tacked on there, I also don't like the part where the inlet begins, it feels too thin. VTOL is nice, easy enough. Flight is also nice, not much problems. No description.



Design is ok, I really don't like the nose. VTOL is fine, has good enough authority, but difficult to control. Transition is specially hard. Flight is good, but wings tends go flex on low physics. Desc is ok.


F-35 Hippo Custom

I'm quite disappointed you cannot lift off the ground without weapons, but nonetheless, it's quite a fun plane to fly. It doesn't look the best, but it makes up for that partially on the flight model, which as established is quite fun. The instructions give me a clear guide on how to fly the craft.


Gyrodude kite surfer

The concept itself is cool, it looks cool as well, except for the landing gear. Ik it's a WIP but man, VTOL is atrocious, it also has bad authority on both VTOL and normal flight. It also constantly shakes on low physics, which I'd normally give a pass because wip, this time I won't. Desc sounds like and old man trying to be "hip with the kids"


VTOL Challenge entry 1

I like the desc tho


Congrats to all winners!

See you next challenge I guess

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    5,644 satgat


    3.0 years ago
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    33.3k Bernkastel

    Happy to be 2nd place, thank you for the challenge

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    12.7k JuanShot2Go

    @Noname918181 Considering the high quality of the entries I was delighted to get a place. Thanks for the challenge, it pushed me to produce better builds.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    17.0k Kangy

    Bit disappointed with how results went but who am I to talk.

    3.0 years ago
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    5,781 yzp41

    @Noname918181 Very exciting to see this result. Thanks for liking my design, and thanks for hosting the challenge, I do have fun with it. Without your preparation, the challenge won't be successful like this.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    28.6k Dragoranos

    I didn't expect to be this close to third place

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    61.7k PapaKernels

    Machro vtol 2 but small spelling mistake. VTOL's are difficult for me so yea definitely why i didn't win. Congrats to the winners

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    2,792 OrderlyHippo

    Gyrodude review is 10/10 😂. Physics sims r fun.
    Thanks for hosting this contest and for the work put in to it! It pushed me to learn a lot about xml.

    +2 3.0 years ago
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