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Why is the controls for building so bad on the PC?

1,780 ThatSUSpensionGirl  3.0 years ago

It takes a good 2 hours for me to build a simple suspension but on the mobile it takes at most 30 minutes. And yet there are so many bugs and crappy ui.

Don't get me wrong I have over 500 hours in this game on mobile but playing it on PC just feels like using an android emulator to play a mobile game. I thought the UI would have at least changed a bit but no not even after 3 years (after I stopped playing).

Why do I need to click to many buttons just to recenter the camera on PC? Why even make the buttons so big in the first place? There is also no way to remap the editor controls as far as I can tell. Its just so damn clunky. Maybe its just me as ive been accustomed to touch screen editor, but the fact that the mobile elements still remain is weird.

There is also no option to stop the parts from snapping onto the nearest part. Its just annoying.

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    44.5k rexzion

    bro bro dude settings and controls bruhhhhhh
    also PC is better for building, you have easier keybinds and stuff, I think you're just used to mobile controls

    +4 3.0 years ago
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    50.3k PlaneFlightX

    @Phoebe True. When I first made the switch, I was horrible. Then I got better after a year and now I make excellent builds quickly.

    3.0 years ago