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This gentlemen, is how to not participate in my challenge.

60.2k ZeroWithSlashedO  3.0 years ago

Doktor, turn off my rant inhibitors!

Hello again. Today, I want to rant about a submission to my challenge.

Plane made by MABUR, I'm not saying that this plane is bad in everything, if you're just making this for fun, then it's a great plane. Check him out, and maybe give him some upvotes during checking.

First of all, this:

You might be wondering, "what's the problem? I don't see any problem". Well, if you look closely, he only uses VTOL engines with a couple of nozzles. This already broke a rule in my post. "Aircraft must have an afterburning jet engine". And only putting VTOL engines does NOT mean it has an afterburner. And that's just one rule broken.

Now, I did say that VTOL are allowed, but now that I think about it, VTOLs generally don't have burners. And I will forgive that if a VTOL submission does not have burners, but does the Su-35 classify as VTOL? No.

The other rule broken is exceeding the limit of the thrust to weight. I did say "1.4 max thrust to weight dry and 2.7 max thrust to weight wet" (dry being afterburner not engaged, where as wet being afterburner engaged), but this craft not only has no afterburner, it exceeded way over the 1.4 dry thrust to weight being 2.6.

Second problem:

At first I thought "eh, there's probably a control surface there". But when I look deeper, and turn on the X-Ray, this comes up:

Yeah, no control surface. This is madness.
I know the aircraft rolls pretty good, but this is a minus point. Missing a crucial part of a plane. It's actually pretty bad. Wing control surfaces actually look good, and their role is very important. Even when the roll is good enough, you can still put other inputs, like VTOL for flaps, you know?

That's all from me.



Once again, I did not say this is a bad aircraft in general, it's just not good for a submission to my challenge.

What's a good submission for my challenge is GriseoCattus's Su-30MKM.

P.S: I do forgive people who uses only the BFE-150 on their crafts, because the BFE-150 is actually an afterburning engine.

Thank you for taking your time to look at this post. I appreciate you, and see you later.

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    Maybe you shouldn’t make your challenge rules so restricted? This really limits the options for creators. Also, why can’t the users use VTOL engines? They’re great for afterburners. You’re asking the users for a very tall order, many of which people can’t do. It just makes the challenge very not user friendly.

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    you know what, you got a point.

    3.0 years ago
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    Maybe consider also; your rules are very restrictive and allow almost no creative freedom other than the most generic thing possible, which makes an otherwise fine build a felony to the challenge

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    Oh wait I definitely said that wrong
    What I meant to say was usually

    3.0 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing

    "VTOLs generally don't have burners"
    Well, the F-35B does (The B variant is the VTOL version).

    +6 3.0 years ago