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Why are physics acting different in slow motion? Especially with suspensions.

1,780 ThatSUSpensionGirl  3.0 years ago

So I was messing around with my latest suspension design and I put some dead weight on it to test its limits.

This was done 6 times each, around 100kmh/60mph.

At real time the front suspension would go full compression and the rear would compress a tad.

However, in slowmotion the front end would compress very little while the rear would just lift up in the air.

This was consistent over the 6 times I repeated the test.

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    25.8k Rymanx03

    @Phoebe Very reasonable, have a nice day.

    3.0 years ago
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    25.8k Rymanx03

    @Phoebe know this is a questions-based forum, right? @Bummer Also- on the slow-motion thing, the function gives the codes and physics of the game more time to react and simulate. So, the sudden switch to better and more realistic simulations seems to cause a "bounce" in most shock systems as they suddenly become a lot stronger. At least, that's the understanding I have of it, I didn't make the coding.

    Edit- this is also why most builds don't disintegrate on slow-motion, but do in real time.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    50.5k PlaneFlightX

    SP Physics weird.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    9,819 z24zorpx4

    because it just is, don't question it

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Yeah it do be like that.

    +1 3.0 years ago