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Reason why I haven't been able to post

1,156 Levi124  2.9 years ago

Well it's because of school... I might start posting but Saturday and Sunday is when I'm most active on simpleplanes so please acknowledge my activity if not it's fine it's all up to you not me

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    @Levi124 Sorry, im just too late. I also can relate, like now I need to do all of my assignments. 23 of them.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    1,156 Levi124

    @SPairforce I don't think so but I hope because I'm in 8th grade and after summer vacation it's when I'm going to 9th grade (this year)

    2.9 years ago
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    33.0k SPairforce

    I can relate a ton. I'm a senior in High school and even though it isn't as hard as junior year, it still is hard. Hope school gets easier on you buddy.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    1,156 Levi124

    @AirCrashInvestigationFLR read this if you want to know why I couldn't chat with you on discord and do the collaboration

    2.9 years ago
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    1,156 Levi124

    @SPairforce read this if you want to know why I don't post that much anymore

    2.9 years ago