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[TEASER] Model's waterslide decal.

106k GuyFolk  2.9 years ago

Hey, look what I can do with hpgbproductions's picture-to-label magic.
But first, story time.
Andrewism happen and it inspire me to finally use hpgbproductions's code to make 1 part decal.
At first the label I've got can't use curvature slider because of "¦" character so I look further into IzzyIA's Andrew figurines to find the clue how to make it curve, it is not only just a catalyst to Andrewism but a great discover for picture-to-label as well.
So... by modifying hpgbproductions's code to use "le dot" instead of "square", it curves.
And I make it use blank space (" ") instead of tag <space={PixelSize * TransparentCount:F3}em> to match the layout of IzzyIA's label.
Idk if anyone make picture-to-label that can be curved before but I'm too lazy to find it so I modify it myself.
Enough story, here's the result.
Also a teaser.

The curvature make the shark mouth blend into the fuselage.

I can make just about anyone be my co-pilot.

Even Scott "Fly Safe" Manly. It'll be better fit if I crop his picture better.

Or Andrew himself.

What's difference you may ask.
New livery.
Alternative flight model with split flaps and Falcon-9 inspired high aoa control.
Alternative weapons system.
Human co-pilot.

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    45 Nj364


    2.7 years ago
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    Well finally... The most detailed version of Mister Blue.
    Can't wait for that

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    2,079 SLSD11ph


    2.7 years ago
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    7,568 HazeX


    2.7 years ago
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    +1 2.7 years ago
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    38.7k UltraLight

    I'm Scott Manley -- fly safe

    +3 2.8 years ago
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    300 S1lly

    Never thought i would see andrew inside the cockpit of a x-02 XD

    2.8 years ago
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    You need to remaster your ADFX-02. It was already a great plane, but now your skills are way way better than what they were back then.

    2.9 years ago
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    @GuyFolk can you make an f-16?

    2.9 years ago
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    @GuyFolk ‘Ery Noice!

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    15.5k Kangy

    @GuyFolk yeah exactly
    it's a win loss sorta thing

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    @GuyFolk no problem

    2.9 years ago
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    106k GuyFolk

    Now I get your point, label will lag but only if I open it and edit it multiple time in designer.
    It's like the label stack something in the memory every time I open it, it lag more and more until I restart the game, and same goes for any label that have some funky in it.

    2.9 years ago
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    106k GuyFolk

    If you get the source code instead it'll be a mess.
    I barely get it to work lol.

    2.9 years ago
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    @GuyFolk Oh, ok, and yes I'm am the one who built the 6k part B-17G, the only thing is I have never flown the B-17G I made and I'm still the same MrShenanigansSP, I do not really concern about the 1k part plane your making its just that it may get a bit laggy in the designer, anyways good luck on the Wyvern

    2.9 years ago
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    23.7k FeatherWing

    I did try that. It didn't want to open.

    2.9 years ago
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    106k GuyFolk

    Not so much.
    It's roughly the same performance cost.
    But wait...
    You are the one who building 10k parts B-17G, aren't you.
    And you concerning about this sub 1k part lagging?
    Hmm... Who are you and what happen to the real MrShenanigansSP?

    2.9 years ago
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    106k GuyFolk


    2.9 years ago
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    106k GuyFolk

    Mister Blue got himself a new plane.

    2.9 years ago
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    106k GuyFolk

    idk lol.

    2.9 years ago
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    106k GuyFolk

    And PC miss out the whole portability stuff.

    2.9 years ago
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    106k GuyFolk

    If I remember correctly, hpgbproductions also posted .exe version so I think it is easy to use.

    2.9 years ago
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    Oh god I could already tell this is gonna be laggy just from the text parts anyways lovely looking aircraft very beautiful can't wait for it

    2.9 years ago
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    HOLY CRAP hopefully potato

    2.9 years ago
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    Is this a new Mister Blue X-02 Wyvern?

    2.9 years ago
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