I hope you realise this
This even beats 11/11/2011 because the whole date is just made of a whole bunch of 2s, especially when you write it as 22/2/22. And if you write it as 22022022, it reads the same backwards and upside down!
And, today is a Tuesday, which, not only is Tuesday the day of the week that sounds the most like the number two, it is also the 2nd day of the week! That's the most awesome coincidence ever! Or is it?
Anyway here's what I did today
And this was posted at 10:22 PM, or 2222 in 24 hour time, NZDT. Wow. I didn't even intend for that!
And this wonderful date is why I know things went spicy on a Thursday!
Two days later
I from Ukraine
Слава Україні!
2s day
Issue with the photo its daytime 24 hr time is only used for in the after noon/night so 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12am,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24pm=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12pm @jamesPLANESii
Tuesday isn't the 2nd day of the week. It's the 3rd day. But still, 22022022 is cool
It reminded me of some dude commenting on a random yt video about how he remembered that it was January 11 2011 (1/11/2011) and I turned 4 years old at that time
poor americans having to deal with 02 22 2022
@LegendaryPilot then 03
But there isn't a 33rd Month...@MrShenanigans2020
and as of the time of this comment being made, I have 22.2k points
its 22/02/2022 twosday my dudes
What plane is that?
Hey now i can make unfunny jokes to my friends about how this is funny!
wait this will be the last in a thousand years...
and this comment was made at 9:33 am
It’s a (quite) Palindrome Day!
It’s the weakest day in the world and the world is gonna watch the day off!
Let’s celebrate before this almighty day ends!
@Destroyerz117 it's twosday my dudes
sounds like one of those cool 'my little dark age' videos lol
@jamesPLANESii :(
anyways, I have a question about Qurating builds, if the "Performance Cost” is more than 5,000 but its VR functional does it still get Qurated
it twosday
Tha fact that both of you didnt relize that date 33 are not exist
@MrShenanigans2020 but it has a 2 in it :(
@jamesPLANESii I mean like 33-03-2033 since the last one was 2011
@MrShenanigans2020 But that is over 1000 years away! Who knows if society is even gonna be around by then!
@MrShenanigans2020 good luck find date 33