-facedesk- I said this is NOT for public eyes!
Do you not get, NOT FOR PUBLIC EYES (¬.¬)
Okay stop reading this! There is no point in it!
Okay fine I'll tell you. I'm a girl
Don't tell me you BELIEVED THAT... Cause it's not true
OMG I'm done.. Do NOT upvote this! This is here for absolutely NO reason!
You people never give up do you?...
(FYI this is NOT copied, it is based off "do not press the red button")
@swat132 ;-;
.... I said I'm dangerous....
@Aerobako No! It said do not up vote!
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Our words are dangerous to the mind.
@Hazo exactly
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries don't worry he's only go 76 points. He's so little and cute, he couldn't do any harm.
@JolanXBL has ANYONE but YOU complained?? No.. Infact I could link my buddy @Delphinus, Aswell as @SpiritusRaptor, most likely they won't care!
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries but I love breaking the rules :( even one time we were in a train station and there was a yellow line that said " do not cross over the line " I stepped the other side of the line :(
@LePancake No! Do not upvote!
@JolanXBL dude it's a joke post.. There is NOTHING wrong with it.. Plus you're "rank" is only 76.. You're new, wait a while. Make planes, get a higher rank.. Then once you've been here for a decent amount of time, and you KNOW the site, you'd realize this isn't a big deal..
@HellFireKoder Ok Thanks
Is this one of those crappy posts everyone else is complaining about?
Yeah, threads need a Report button too.
lol its like a feature in vendetta online on its early days
@HellFireKoder *olololo
@HellFireKoder Olololololo
@bobthetitan @ronyseptian17 Actually what I did was but three "*" on each side... that way it doesn't get big.
What I Did
Big And Bold
"" *sss ###blue?
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries it was so tempting
@bobthetitan not work,just work if you put it in front of all your words,or adding line first
@ronyseptian17 ###Cool