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Politics and Reporting - A Reminder.

Mod BaconAircraft  3.0 years ago

In light of recent events, there has been quite the turmoil on certain builds remotely resembling anything of Ukrainian or Russian origin. I would quickly like to remind everyone of the site rules regarding these posts.

“Please, remember that this is a game about airplanes. While we do allow off-topic conversations in the forums, if you talk about religion or politics then there is a good chance that your post will be removed. Especially if we feel that it is likely to stir up debate.”

There is nothing wrong with making a plane, livery, vehicle or such builds originating from these countries. However, making a low effort modification, or off-topic build to purposely make a political statement is against the rules mentioned above, and will be removed.

In addition, I would like to mention the increased use of the "harassment" report. Most reports recently has nothing to do with politics. A non-political build from a player or of a vehicle of another nation is not harassment. If you do not like them, ignore them or block them.

There is absolutely no need for pointless political bickering just because it's nation of replica's origin is currently involved in a world issue. It doesn't matter where - a plane is a plane - it's only political if you make it so. Reminder that, bringing politics into arguments on replicas and/or liveries are against the rules, and does no good for the community. Those who ignore these simple constructs may have their comments removed and/or striked - enough is enough.

There is no problem for one to express their support, beliefs, and opinion, but this is not the place to do so. This is a community banded by our shared passion for aviation, design, and engineering. There is no place for politics, discriminations and pointless accusations. Make planes, not war.

Thank you.

On a personal note, I would like to leave you with the following. Understand that the following is a message from myself, and myself only, and does not represent the principles or ideals upheld by Jundroo LLC. I, myself are solely responsible for the following comments, not as a point of view, nor as a political statement, but simply an observation and message I would like the community to consider.

I would like to use this opportunity to remind everyone that this is a game about aircraft, vessels, and vehicles alike. It is not a debate site to carry your political quarrels into.

There are 7.8 billion people that walk this earth, it is inevitable that we have our differences in culture, beliefs, religions, and ever-presently today, political alignment. But under these blankets of ideas and beliefs, are we not of the same species, are we not made of merely the same blood, flesh, and bones? Do we not share any commonalities with our neighbors, friends, or people on the opposite side of the world?

I ask you as a person to another, to toss your conflicts aside, toss your quarrels aside, and treat each other as a person to another, as a designer to another, and as an engineer to another. We believe that everyone on the site should feel safe to build and share their creation without the scrutiny of another party. Yet we also believe that users of the site can also browse and participate in civil discussions without harassment to their personal beliefs. It is a fine balance of what constitutes as freedom of expression and what institutes political, cultural, or religious uproar amongst the users.

It is with this “fine balance” that I ask you, the community, to be considerate when posting. Understand what is on one side of that “fine gray line” and what is on the other. Understand context and impacts of your comments and statements to another. Understand the background of your builds. Please understand that nobody should feel insulted based on their nationality and beliefs. But we must also understand that neither should anyone feel threatened when posting an aircraft or vessel of their respective nation either. Thus, I ask you as the community to use your judgement when posting or commenting and respect one another as individuals and not whatever nation they’re from.

Conflict never favours anyone, it never benefits one side over the other, in actual or online. At the end of the day what stems from conflict is nothing but more conflict, more division, more distrust, and more turmoil. We must ask ourselves when commenting and posting – are my comments necessary? Will it cause any conflicts? Does it add fuel to an already burning fire? Am I insulting someone directly or indirectly? I think we all know the trivial answer to these.

I hope if we consider these points, we can move forward healing wounds and not causing more, tearing down walls instead of building them, and emerge as a more understanding and compassionate community as a whole.

I hope this is helpful and clear for everyone to contemplate when taking actions in the future in terms of building, commenting, and posting. I hope we can toss our quarrels aside and purely embrace the mechanics, dynamics, and engineering of vehicles, and not their questionable uses in current world events. It truly saddens me to see builds being reported as harassment simply due to their respective nations, one side or the other, and insults thrown at individuals merely due to their nationalities. Let’s remind ourselves once again to keep politics out of it. If we fail to do so, we are hurting nobody but ourselves.

Once again, thank you.

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    1. I have not seen a single example as described.
    2. Russian vehicles are not the target of "centralized hate" you're describing. It is usually due to extremely obvious reasons why arguments arise, for example; symbolic figures, Z, etc. Obviously, there would be resulting comments and the post may be removed.
    3. If there are political comments and arguments, there is a report feature for a reason. Use the report feature instead of complaining about "Ukrobots"... you are not making a good case for your self, for your statement is no better than the "bots" you describe spreading hate and politics.
    4. I would heavily suggest a good dose of reflecting on your comments, and approach viewing problems from a neutral perspective. Shifting blame does not make you the victim, nor the other the culprit.
    5. If you have the time and effort to comment, you should likewise read the post you're commenting on before doing so.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    31.0k 32

    Amen hallelujah

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    83.7k MrCOPTY

    @BaconAircraft My Forum Removed Because I Talk About "HACKING GAMES" , This Doesn't Against The "RULES", This Is Not Politics, At Least I Think.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    This game its about plane
    Shipmaker: am i joke to you

    +3 2.8 years ago
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    @JustAGuy001 God, you really didn't read any of that didn't you.

    2.8 years ago
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    40.9k Fyru

    @BaconAircraft ok

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    @Cope No they're not. You should know better than to group everyone into the same category.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    40.9k Fyru

    @BaconAircraft uh people who make Russian replica's are starting to add the Z symbol's...

    2.9 years ago
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    1,140 SPXML

    I make Russian inspired planes but only a few. I have been offline for 1 month in the community because of Russia full scale invasion of Ukraine. If you're reading this comment. I hope everyone is safe and is in a place away from the invasion happening please note that I love both the countries and won't make a war about it. I feel kind of sad that an-225 has been destroyed to debris.. As a aviation lover I hate the fact about what's happening now..

    Let's all make peace and love from our nation. let's try to support Ukraine by just editing our profiles so that they feel they're not alone in this war and they have comrades who care about them.

    Love from Phillipines.


    +6 3.0 years ago
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    2,264 Aviatorloke


    3.0 years ago
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    "Make planes, not war."

    Now that is some live advice that I can live by.

    +8 3.0 years ago
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    1,336 MrVocab

    @hRmm This stuff is important and thus you will need to follow it to keep your account.

    3.0 years ago
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    sorry to get political but: WHAT THE FRICC IS A SHOE?

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    678 hRmm

    Why is this in my favourites page

    3.0 years ago
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    Russophobes go away please, thank you.

    +5 3.0 years ago
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    +3 3.0 years ago
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    285 RNMD


    3.0 years ago
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    1,336 MrVocab

    Is my TD tank description appropriate?

    3.0 years ago
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    3,137 Fawkes

    Good news
    They don't exist anymore

    3.0 years ago
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    40.9k Fyru

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE the Z means for a support on Putin's invasion

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    @JaveIin what is a 'z' symbol
    I know it's purpose but I don't know what it looked like

    3.0 years ago
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    40.9k Fyru

    @BaconAircraft do you still remove Russian builds that have a Z symbol?

    3.0 years ago
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    1,336 MrVocab

    @Jedediah I know right

    3.0 years ago
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    405 Shraaaaa

    you're godamn right

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    1,336 MrVocab

    Thank you sir

    3.0 years ago
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