A people have copied my 747-8F and says: woshisb, I don't know what is that. Also that people says you stole the plane please everyone report that plane because that is my copyrightl livery.
This is his plane: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/n7w4in/Korean-Air-747-8F
My plane : https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/8QR3st/Korean-Air-747-8F
Also, Thanks @XAircraftManufacturer for the plane.
@qqwweerrttyyuuiiooppaass blocked.
look at your name. And you said he cant notice the difference?
@WilliamHenryHarrison r/whooosh
i don't want to see your comments again
@qqwweerrttyyuuiiooppaass you have been blocked
@PlaneLiveryChanger haha you guessed wrong
@WilliamHenryHarrison oh ok
@PlaneLiveryChanger .-. he clearly said chinese
look at the difference between china and japan
china (中国) and japanise (日本) they may look the same but they are different
@WilliamHenryHarrison i think he's from china
@JustWingIt just use google translate lol
@WilliamHenryHarrison Ik but thats still gibberish
@PlaneLiveryChanger thats Japanise
@JustWingIt he/she said Private Marseille
@qqwweerrttyyuuiiooppaass stop that saying chinese or japanese
@qqwweerrttyyuuiiooppaass Sorry I don't speak noodles
@JustWingIt @JustWingIt プライベートマルセイユ🐴
@qqwweerrttyyuuiiooppaass no
@JustWingIt yes
Hate to break it to you, but you have no rights to this plane. Like @Juno said, it's not your copyright because it's not your original creation. However, your livery is your own. Now that's out of the way, @qqwweerrttyyuuiiooppaass did steal your livery and @XAircraftManufacturer's plane, so they are in the wrong. I'll still report them, but just know that just because you added a livery it doesnt mean that the whole build is suddenly yours.
@Juno No, I Change His Livery Plane
It's not fully yours, though.
Only XAircraftManufacturer should have the full rights because it is their original creation.