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WIP Sukhoi Su-65 "Facer"

10.3k VisionAviation  3.0 years ago

The Sukhoi Su-65 is a (fictional) Russian two seat, 4.5gen fighter-bomber jet, code named "Facer" by NATO.

This fighter/bomber has the latest Russian tech to make it a worthy follow-up to the Su-34 "Fullback".
It features the latest radar systems, all-weather tech, modern cockpit suite with touchscreen displays and compatibility with the most modern fire and forget air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons.

It still has a lot of work to go but here is already a little teaser of what's to come:

External pictures

Gear animations

KAB-1500Kr Guided bomb

The aircraft comes equipped with:
- 2 KAB-1500Kr guided bombs (internally)
- 2 R77 anti-air missiles (internally)
- 2 Kh-101 long range GPS cruise missiles (externally)

Hope you guys enjoy!


I really want to give it a better camo job and I kind of want to give it the Su-57 camo scheme, like in this picture:

If anyone perhaps could help me make that camo scheme, I'd really appreciate it because I suck at that stuff and I also don't have that much time to do it due to work..