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nova atualização para o sv-000

210 Smf4  2.8 years ago

essa nova atualização tera: um novo lugar no sub-piloto,correção de bugs,um novo trem de pouso,e uma atualização no cockpit do avião

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    210 Smf4

    sorry I'm Brazilian but the plane it's easy to fly

    2.8 years ago
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    2,186 Chich2000

    @Korzalerke There's quite a handful of Portuguese users on this website.

    2.8 years ago
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    11.6k JesusChrist

    @Juno I did, i'm just telling him that most people here don't understand his language, maybe he just doesn't know.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    2,186 Chich2000

    @Korzalerke Why don't you just use google translate for their language.

    2.8 years ago
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    11.6k JesusChrist

    People here don't really understand your language, you should probably use google translate if you don't speak english.

    2.8 years ago
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    210 Smf4

    E esqueci de dizer que tera uma arma no sub-piloto

    2.8 years ago