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I'm joining SheriffHackdogMCPE's roleplay! (and I announce some upcoming planes)

640 TheRealKronos  3.0 years ago

Here's my country in the RP, the Republic of Estor.

The Republic of Estor is a democratic state founded in 1865 and currently occupies the main island of Wright and its northern island. The republic was founded after the Kingdom of Wright and Maywar, its predecessor state lost the First Archipelago War. Maywar became independent and the royal family of the Wright Kingdom got eliminated by order of the Krakabloan Kingdom. The kingdom itself, now a republic, got renamed “Estor”. With time, Estor became a superpower. At the same time of World War 1, the islands of the archipelago entered in the Second Archipelago War. The Republic of Estor allied with the Kingdom of Krakabloa fought against all the other islands. After the war, in 1919 the Republic prospered even more and became the most powerful island of the archipelago. At the same time, Krakabloa also became a republic. From 1970 to 1972, then 1974 to 1975, the Republic of Estor battled the Maywar dictatorship. After the war ended, Maywar was left poor and plotted revenge against Estor. In the 1990s, a portion of the island became independent and bought planes from Estor. The free part of Maywar got conquered in 1999 by the dictatorship supporters and the planes from Estor were used. In 2021, the conflict restarted, and the last supporters of the dictatorship got defeated by a single plane. All the Maywar citizens are now hostile towards Estor. Since the 80s, peace was kept until 2021, with the previously mentioned conflict, and a brief war between Estor and Krakabloa that luckily ended quickly with a peace treaty.

The Republic’s armed forces are divided into three branches: the Air Force (singe 1908), the Navy (since 1865) and the Army (since 1866).
The Air Force is the main battle force of Estor. It is made up of:
15 F-41 Gladiator A – this is the premium fighter of the Estor Air Force. Only the most experienced pilots can fly it.
4 F-41 Gladiator B (one of which is a prototype)
50 Atlas Military Industries TF-74 VIXEN Block 3 (Mirage) – this is the primary fighter of the Estor Air Force
30 CFD-17 Vermin propeller fighter – used for operations where a high technology fighter isn’t needed
40 A-2 Disposable Fighter Aircraft (Used only in emergency situations as this plane is dangerous to fly)
6 Volksian Heavy Industries C-135 cargo transport planes
5 F-14 Tomcat
5 Helleska Fighter – Bomber planes
3 B-14 Crawler bombers
1 JU-91 Dive Bomber Prototype
20 KF-1 Training Jets
10 Gator 2 multi-purpose helicopter

Upcoming Planes:
AT-2B – will replace TF-74 and F-14 and partially the Helleska
Unnamed Dive bomber – will replace the JU-91 prototype and partially the Helleska. Will also replace the B-14 for some missions where a big bomber isn’t needed, and can be used in place of the F-41 in some missions to save money as the F-41 is really expensive to have.
Replacement for CF-17 Vermin is being planned, but no development has started yet.
Plans are made to replace also the A-2, because it is a safety hazard, flies badly and is prone to making incidents. Only country to actively use the A-2 is Maywar, as Estor sold some to them in the 90s.
The Navy is made up of:
1 Beast class carriers
2 Destroyers
1 Tiny class carriers
10 Fast Assault Craft (v1.0)
5 Hunter LCS
30 Atlas Military Industries TF-74M1 Sea Vixen (Hydra Version)
10 Gator 2 Multi Purpose Helicopters

The Army is made up of:
6000 infantry soldiers
1000 artillery
80 Humvees
50 Jackhammer tanks
20 anti-air CIWS
20 Gator 2 Multi Purpose Helicopters

The police force is made up of:
40 Humvees
30 Gator 2 Multi Purpose Helicopters
2000 Active personnel

Main Airport: Estor Airport
Capital: Estor City (situated on the open are of the main Estor Island)
Currency – Ð
Armed forces members – 17660
Population – 335540
Relationships with other countries –
1. Republic of Krakabloa: Strong military and civil alliance
2. Maywar Nation: Hostile
3. Skypark – Friendly (there are no pacts or alliances between the two, but they are in good relationship.
4. Snowstone – there is no information about Snowstone after 1919. When the Second Archipelago War ended, Snowstone simply disappeared from all public places and repelled all the recognisance teams sent to investigate, so no information or images were ever taken. The last attempt at communication was made in 1966. With everything that is known, Snowstone is probably a hostile nation.

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    6,960 G2

    @TheRealKronos yeah, don’t have discord atm unfortunately
    Also, the Democratic Republic of Maysia (hereby referred to as Maysia) accepts your gift. We are looking forward to testing the AT-2B.

    3.0 years ago
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    @Almost Thank you very much for the help! In exchange, Estor will send 10 of our new fighter prototype, the AT-2 B. (Btw what's your discord username? I'm KRONOS#6814.)

    EDIT: I just read your comment in the other post lol.

    3.0 years ago
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    6,960 G2

    @TheRealKronos The Democratic Republic of Maysia will send over 500,000 Mays (Represented by an M§) to fund your country.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    @Almost The Republic of Estor accepts the request for the partnership. May our countries prosper and be strong!

    3.0 years ago
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    6,960 G2

    @TheRealKronos The Democratic Republic of Maysia would like to forward a request of parternership with the Republic of Estor.

    3.0 years ago
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    @SheriffHackdogMCPE Do you like my country? By the way accept my friend request on discord, i'm KRONOS#6814.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    @TheRealKronos eyyyyy

    3.0 years ago
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    here's my country

    +1 3.0 years ago