(Also, you guys think i make too many forums?)
So, you’ve just booted up simpleplanes for the first time and are looking at the website. Undoubtedly you’ve already seen the front page, and all the cool builds there, and are wondering how they got 100k points.
Well, here’s how to start out.
Avoid the block. The fuselage block, as a cylinder is better for fuselages.
Go simple. Don’t try to make a extremely complicated replica as your first post (unless you’re up to the challenge)
And Stay at it. don’t be disheartened when your first plane gets ignored, just try again. Make teasers, tag people (if they request it) and persevere.
That’s all for now!
@Korzalerke ik, i just kept making my own sh8t in SP, until the download planes button caught my attention
I did the same thing when I was bronze, I don't think you can have too much forums.
@PssyalperdnaEgg 2 months? How, did you never think of clicking the "Download planes" button?
Ngl, it took me at least another 2 months after i started to play SP before to discover this place
@ollielebananiaCFSP I meant he was talking about players who just joined and don't know anything about the game.
@Korzalerke looking at his account he know what a fuselage is.
@ollielebananiaCFSP I think he was talking about "hey guys i'm new here what is a fuselage?" beginners.
your a beginner tho, not that it is a bad thing. But before giving advices try to get a little better with building and have a better understanding of how the SimplePlanes website works.
@X99STRIKER that’s what i meant
@Gestour mmmm. well, technically, i am an infant, maybe crawling, depends on how smart i am
Or, you can just ignore the (almost) completely arbitrary point system and build for fun.
At 7 months old, you are a beginner.
“Make teasers, tag people,”
Only if requested in the teaser or if they are a friend.