Being inactive for some time, it could be a week to a lot longer, so I don't know what else to write, but I hope that a German Corsairwism doesn't arise
don't worry, i always come back
I will make a new post when I return.
Being inactive for some time, it could be a week to a lot longer, so I don't know what else to write, but I hope that a German Corsairwism doesn't arise
don't worry, i always come back
I will make a new post when I return.
Just some drinking under influent story.
@GuyFolk what's going on here?
Who wouldn't, it's basically free booze in working hours.
Unsurprising considering they were Soviets.
@Korzalerke @X99STRIKER
I've heard the story that Soviet scientists and/or mechanics drank rocket fuel. (or some coolant of sort)
Because that stuff in question was pure ethanol so....
But don't you dare drink rubbing alcohol, yes it's ethanol but they added some chemical to deter us from drinking it.
By have a great time!
@X99STRIKER Btw i actually looked up "How to adquire jet fuel" to find this so if you don't hear from me anymore you know what happened.
Oh, that’s cheaper than I thought it would be.
@X99STRIKER Wait it only costs $5 a gallon i was making a joke wtf
I know right?
@X99STRIKER If only jet fuel wasn't so cheap and easy to adquire...
It is, to many people find that they have drunk jet fuel.
It’s a serious problem and I’m glad to do anything I can do to help prevent it.
@X99STRIKER Big brain idea
All he did was sniff jet fuel(or glue), I was warning not to drink it.
Ight, good luck on whatever.
Don’t drink jet fuel.