Let me explain.
I just switched from SP mobile to SP on pc and I cannot seem to find maywar island.
Can anyone help me please?
Let me explain.
I just switched from SP mobile to SP on pc and I cannot seem to find maywar island.
Can anyone help me please?
@Almost take off from the Tiny and basically fly straight. I would scan your sides incase you lose braincells reading this and pass it.
SP on android the maywar island doent been add in the game only mods
@JeskoGoesVROOM i know, im on pc atm though
also keep in mind that maywar is nonexistant on mobile, it's on pc (idk about vr but i believe it doesn't exit there cause it uses the mobile version as a base)
Check out this map
If you're searching for the first time, I'd use something like one of these builds, and then save a location.