I went to test a friend of mine's plane, and i spawned this same A-4:
I ended up despawning right after not finding the same one and I respawned him again, result: I found the A-4 far from the spawn point and he was... at least different
I also found this other plane, probably the one I had unspawned
Shock related error codes appeared:
I`m also having the same issues with AI ever since the new update with planes that are automatically spawned in, so when I fire an air to air instead of 1 explosion I get 2 explosions @WNP78 P.S it would be helpful if dev's released a new bug report system on here not just for beta
@SheriffHackdogMCPE I activated the console by simply pressing 3 times on the "settings" button from the main menu in the settings
it happens, Idk why.
Parts will sometimes detach immediately after you spawn the craft, which is odd. Happened to me a couple of days ago to the tanker.
Also happens to me (without the shock error codes) when I try to test a railroad crossing collision with my trains using destroyerP's map. I spawned a car on the middle of the tracks to test the collision but 50% of the car is missing, like the fighter in the pictures.
Also, how did you get the console to work on mobile?
@Almost The A-4 was already in my account, I had spawned it to test my friend's plane cannon, in this case, the SU-57
@Bobyo I'm confused so far
@AeroAeroTheMen yes, I just don't know how that was account
well now I'm confused. I've seen propeller blades stay where they are if the aircraft despawned and broke its prop.