I made a custom missile that has these parts in this order:
VTOL Nozzle
/ Blasto VTOL
/ Missile body / clever
(for maneuver) / cone
everything is fine and work except for one thing
there are four missiles onboard like this=> || ||
and each one's Blasto VTOL
should start when the missile launched and I used this code (as Blasto VTOL
input) for them in order of they will be fired:
1st. ammo("Clever")<1, 4
2nd. ammo("Clever")<1, 3
3rd. ammo("Clever")<1, 2
4th. ammo("Clever")<1, 1
but .....
after launching the first missile other Blasto VTOL
s start and I can see flames in all ExhastPort
please help me to code and make these VTOL
s start separately
check video
please help me it work
@ZeroWithSlashedO thank you a lot it is finished will post it for you guys soon after another project is finished.
I upvote your messages because of responsibility
@Amirabadi The exhaust scale follows the global x y and z axis, not the planes', so it get's distorted when you move it. I'd recommend keeping those 3 values the same.
2. No, you can't. It just does that. Its's weird tbh.
@ZeroWithSlashedO i used 30,30,140 as exhaust scale but when missile spin the scale changes. how to fix that
@ZeroWithSlashedO no should i try it in overload panel??
ever heard of the xml "throttleResponse"?
You can't make inputs based on which missile is fired, all your code does is turn on the VTOL engine (and consequently all nozzles) if the total ammo for "Clever" is less than 1. These numbers in front of commas are probably what's causing it to break.
@Korzalerke lol yeah ik i was panicking how all VTOLs were on
@ZeroWithSlashedO turbojet's flame is slow i want flames to show up at the time missile fired. any way that flames show up at first?
"Clever"? You sure it shouldn't say Cleaver?
turbojets are the engines with J at the beggining.
There is no solution into separating VTOLs, trust me. If I know there was one way, I could've put many effects on my F-16, alas I ended up using the J-15 for my gun smoke effect.
@ZeroWithSlashedO oh thanks sure im working on turbojets (Blasto be150???) but they are not cool and as fast as VTOls
any other solution for separating VTOLs?
one VTOL engine is enough for it to power any vtol nozzle, and the first VTOL engine will always override the 2nd VTOL engine. Recommend using turbojets if you want the cool rocket flame thing instead.
can you please check this out