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Missile Bug

912 Xi  2.9 years ago

Lets just say you're making a Anti air missile
And you fired a missile
And it won't start that what happened to me
I fired a missile it won't fire
Even tho the ignition are not being touched
Developer please fix

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    Oh... You gotta press AG2 first before you fire, otherwise it's not going to fire.

    2.9 years ago
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    912 Xi

    1. It does not touch water
    2. It attach to a pylon
    3. Activation panel is AG 2

    2.9 years ago
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    1. Did it touch water? If yes, that's a problem.
    2. Is it attached to a pylon/no mass detacher? If no, that's a problem.
    3. Does it show the ammo count on the activation panel? If it's 0, that's a problem.
    2.9 years ago