I am bored (again) and dont know what to build. I am taking suggestions from pretty much anyone who asks. I would prefer if the plane to had a similar cockpit to the stock cockpits because I suck at building them. Also I am better with jets but I will still build propeller planes. Thank you!
@XaFearedSniperx oh well
oh well
Why did you @ a user who has been inactive for two years on an almost 5 year old forum post? Sorry I don't get on this site that much anymore. @ChamDel7
@laSoul foul language
@RyneKuczy Just have to wait a bit for it to load in here :D
It is uploaded. I tried...@laSoul
Which plane? There's a whale, airbus, wing...
@RyneKuczy Awesome, I'll give mine a retry to see if I don't fuck it up once more :D
I will start tommorrow@laSoul
Of course! @RyneKuczy Neither could I, lol. It's just a fun little design that really needs to be shared to the world.
Found it :). Challenge accepted. Just saying I might not be able to build the wires underneath th cockpit.@laSoul
If it's easiter try copy pasting this to the link https://www.google.com.pr/search?q=concept+plane&safe=off&biw=1486&bih=815&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiT2-Ks-onKAhWFQyYKHWMuATkQ_AUIBigB#safe=off&tbm=isch&q=sci+fi+plane&imgrc=NWqXXhR6ZEDTDM%3A
@RyneKuczy Error 404 correct?
@laSoul Do you know the name of the concept because I currently cannot find it.
I tried making this a flying plane in here but just couldn't get it as I did in KSP. Dare you to give it a try :P