HunterStriker will not be shutting down due to X99STRIKER’s absence. We will carry on!
(edit) this post is irrelevant because striker is back on board.
HunterStriker will not be shutting down due to X99STRIKER’s absence. We will carry on!
(edit) this post is irrelevant because striker is back on board.
ASH… that also happens to be what’s left of our enemies.
@Bobyo …
“his” is striker’s.
The ALWF is… well…
[Classified] is a [Redacted] designed to [message truncated]
@HunterStriker ASHIndustries.
@X99STRIKER @Almost I can’t add spaces or punctuation, only letters and numbers. How should we proceed?
@HunterStriker heck yeah.
Does ASH industries sound good?
what lmao
@HunterStriker oh this is definitely gonna get interesting indeed.
@BeastHunter we must finish it in his honor.
@HunterStriker Are we going to revive the ALWF?
@BeastHunter yeah. let’s do that!
(still have to wait 5 days rip)
@HunterStriker AH industries. I like that. And then if Striker comes back we can change it to ASH industries.
@HunterStriker i think AH Industries is the way to go.
@BeastHunter AlmostHunter i guess…
yeah i need to really change my name…
or AH Industries.
We can keep it at AlmostHunterStriker or change it to AlmostHunter.
Awesome! But what will we rename it?