There appears to be no fine building controls that I can see. Click-and-drag rarely ends up putting an inlet or fuselage where I want it to. It's seemingly impossible to put fuselages INSIDE one another, to make curved, uniform shapes with smoothe edges. Even when you get one thing in a desired position on the aircraft's body, getting something else to snap onto it is impossible, you can't continue the structure you were trying to make in the first place.
Just browsing planes others have made looks like they were using a totally different building system. I have absolutely no idea how anyone builds something that looks decent. Even a simple aircraft design like a Saab Gripen seems utterly impossible. How do I use fuselages to create wings? How do I put control surfaces on them? How do I put parts in precise locations? How do I make complex shapes?
How do I do anything that you guys seem to do with ease??
How the hell do I actually build something decent-looking? I need a detailed tutorial, the game's tutorial sucks.
118 Mantha
3.0 years ago
Rule 1: Learn how to use fine tuner and overload. They're an actual part of the game, and can allow you to change just about anything on any single part.
Rule 2: NEVER use regular blocks for the fuselage. Use actual fuselage pieces, as they are truly the most malleable and versatile pieces you can work with.
Rule 3: ALWAYS have the CoM in front of the CoL, unless you're an expert with funky trees, and want to make a PSM aircraft.
Rule 4: When snapping fuselage pieces together, in most scenarios, you ALWAYS want to have both Smooth Front and Smooth Back turned on.
I might come up with more, but it's not likely. Those are the basics, at least for me.
I agree.
I'm not going to defend my pointless statement like I usually do.
Instead, here's some actual tip:
Download the aircraft that you think looks good. And once you have that in the designer, look for tricks and techniques that the creators do in their designs. For example, custom airfoils.
There are generally alot of custom airfoil techniques, such as putting a circle cornered wide fuselage on the wing, but follow what you think is the best. It's one of the reason how I can do these things.
But before getting into the details, you gotta get used to the fuselage block for a bit. Play around with it, do some slicing, make some cockpits, or frame. Then you can move on to the complicated stuff.
And then, you get to the part where you rotate and nudge your parts around. These two features are very important in designing your aircraft. Nudge lets you move parts around according to the X, Y, and Z positions. X is horizontal position, Y is vertical, and Z is front to back position.
Nudging can be done in two ways, the fine tuner way, or the basic way. Fine tuner is generally more practical, and it lets you move multiple parts at the same time, but when you don't feel like changing the value of the nudging, I suggest using the one implemented on the game.
The Fine Tuner can be activated in the "mods" section, where you'll normally found two mods, Overload, and Fine Tuner. These two are very important, so be sure to activate them. I'll get into Overload later if you're interested.
For the base nudging mechanic, first, you'll need to select a part. Done? Good. The next thing you'll see on the right side is an arrow, and a gear icon. The arrow is what you want to click on. Now you'll see more icons. But if you click the wrench-in-a-gear icon, voila! You found yourself a nice little nudge menu.
I wouldn't recommend you to immediately jump to that stuff, play with the things you see on the tutorial and when you think you're good enough ask here about one of these things:
1. Fine tuner
2. Fuselage cutting
3. Overload
4. Funky Trees
5. Fuselage wings
Ordered from least to more complicated.
@ZeroWithSlashedO That hint is worthless, the tutorial teaches you nothing about what that stuff you mentioned even is. Saying to use "fuselage correctly" and "blueprints" to someone who doesn't even know how everyone gets parts to attach in the correct places will just make him quit because of the outdated tutorial, annoying part attachments and "unhelpful" users.
That my friend, is a thing you have to find out yourself. It's not really easy, complicated fictional/replica builds that costs over 300 parts usually takes 3-4 months to finish. And the realistically accurate builds take even longer to do.
I will say though, to make good creations involves how to use fuselage correctly and using blueprints.
That's the only hint I'm going to give you.