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This game is infuriatingly janky and there's no tutorials on anything.

235k jamesPLANESii  2.9 years ago

I'm currently trying to make a fully functional cockpit and engine, and it has driven me to insanity.

1. There's no tutorial on how funky trees or variables work. Or, well, anything for that matter.

This is a game that seriously needs tutorials. As players, we're pretty much left to fend for ourselves to work out how to use the more complex game mechanics and how funky trees work. 1.11 has been out for months yet I STILL have no idea how variables work, and there is no simple explanation or set of tutorials on how to do simple things anywhere. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO MAKE A BUTTON WORK THROUGH A CUSTOM INPUT FFS! I never learnt code in school!

2. Funky trees only work with one long line of spaghetti code

If you miss one bracket anywhere, or there's a slight problem with the code, it's the stupidest pain in the ass to find where or what's going on, and when you come back to it, it's just one massive dumb block of information that says absolutely nothing unless you know exactly what you're looking at. If you want to explain how a longer code works, you have to write an infuriatingly long piece of information to get the point across. Like, even for the very least we could separate this stuff into colours or something...


I need your help. All I need to do is make a button work on a custom input, but whenever I activate the button, I can not make the input turn off. What I really need is to make this input a boolian rather than an input, but I can't find how BECAUSE THERE ARE 0 TUTRORIALS IN THIS GAME. Could you please help me with this dead simple task?

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    7,629 GrandPrix

    They should be like JavaScript and have ; every ending do you can have an equivalent of a new line.

    1.8 years ago
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    @324 It took me 2 days 🤓... It took me 3 years to make a account 💀

    2.0 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    I am trying to make reverse thrust on airliners and there are no tutorials for that. Same.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    Yeah, the site really needs some funky tree and variable tutorials, I only started using the variable system recently because this user made a explanation built for their tank.

    +2 2.9 years ago
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    4,237 HazerzIsBack

    @jamesPLANESii Here is a custom variable input. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you want.

    Click Here

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    12.7k Kaiser7

    Extremely true.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    50.6k 324

    @jamesPLANESii yes. At it took me A GODDAMN WEEK to understand that YOU CAN MODIFY FUSELAGE BLOCKS (at first i thought that these strange shapes in prebuilt planes are blocks you have to pay to unlock lol, mobile gaming f2p cancer ruined me)
    Even if this VITAL mechanic is not even explained!

    +3 2.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    @jamesPLANESii ill try to make a comprehnsive guide late april on atleast the basics of how you piece together funky trees in efficient ways. Believe me when I say that with the help of operators such as sin, complicated tasks can be typed in short amounts.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    @jamesPLANESii now that you elaborated, I understand exactly what you mean. FT was made because the community asked for it... unfortunately I don't think its in the power of the devs to explain it... and as forthe long syntax part... well.. That not much can be done about it... equations are equations, and computers are stupid, we must teach the the exact way to do such calculations step by step. That said... yeah no there isn't many tutorials explaining how to piece FT together.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    @Grroro Um no that's not what I'm talking about. I have no problems with using calculus to make equations. That's totally fine.
    What I'm talking about is the fact that there's no tutorials on how to fit the code together in- game (for example, the funky trees guide should be easily accessible as an in-game explanation from the devs), and there's the fact that if you want to make a long, complex equation, it all has to be done on one single line, which causes nightmares when it comes to sorting out syntax. There are also no tutorials on how to make basic, commonly used codes like custom inputs or free spinning rotators, and the devs make no explanations on how to use new features in the game other than "we added it" when an update comes out.
    And look at the tutorials. The building tutorial doesn't even touch on fuselage blocks or cockpits, there's no tutorial that even mentions that funky trees are a thing, and there's no explanation of how to use variables or what anything means or how they work.
    There is a LOT the devs can do.

    +3 2.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    @GenrichTitov like it or not, Vizzy or FT will be the same amount of difficulty in SP... the concepts are the same, the maths is same, physics is same, the only difference is one is a visual programer, the other is A proper goddamn Language. In bith there are ste terms and operators that you need to remember... and honestly .. esp. For the cockpit part purpose, FT is much more superior as it allows for mixing multiple different physical attributes and then add them out for inputs, again, you jave a great day as well.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    7,098 Gx

    I believe there is nothing the devs can or will do about this, funky trees is literally a coding language.. it's honestly efficient in it purpose. I believe that making a highly realistic aircraft will be painful no matter what. As for the tutorials part, there are tutorials... they are just 4 hour long courses of calculus concepts and such. There is no real way to just know everything at a glance. And Vizzy doesn't allow for calculating and then displaying anythingm@GenrichTitov so using it for instruments is an invalid move. Maybe a advenced form of vizzy would work better... Oh look! Its Funky trees!... you are making a bloody plane, and then coding complicated physics into it... I really doubt you can expect that to be a 2 day process. Even vizzy takes a good week to understand and even still your blocks are going to be huge when you start designing flight systems...
    Ill keep mentioning it. We engineers go through 4 years of work before we understand laws of physics of aircraft enough to be able to do such things, even in a game... like it or not @Jamesplanesii , physics is physics, and coding is coding. As for how to implement physics to code.. IIRC there is a whole bloody post dictating what variables work made bY snowflake, That post is more than enough to learn the funky trees language. Lastly, booleans are a switch between 0 and 1, make the button a variable and add 2 values to it, 0 and 1, when button is given input, toggle the output between the 2 defined variables which were 0 and 1.
    Have a G'day!

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    50.6k 324

    True. All this feels like a wall that separates the players from the advanced stuff. I left because all advanced stuff is soo hard to learn and so user-unfriendly...
    Why not just reuse Vizzy from SimpleRockets? It's programs are way easier to understand and modify. No brackets, just blocks, no typos and syntax errors. And it handles variables, loops etc...
    Welp, maybe just switching to simplerockets is the way to go... But they don't have the fuselage slicing... Or do?

    +2 2.9 years ago
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    29.8k xNotDumb

    Why am i finding this funni?

    +3 2.9 years ago
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    38.2k V
    +3 2.9 years ago
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    26.7k Bryan5

    @Walvis i think you forgot to use the "Reply" button

    2.9 years ago
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    87.8k Walvis

    Dear @BaconAircraft,

    After reading your carefully formulated reply, I would like to respond to your statement with the following:
    “Splish splash, your opinion is trash”

    With kind regards,

    +6 2.9 years ago
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    @Walvis skill issue.

    +7 2.9 years ago
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    87.8k Walvis

    FT's literally function as a programming language / calculus; you cannot just learn it through a tutorial or two, instead a whole selection of courses is required.

    Honestly I can't blame Jundroo for not creation an entire bachelor programme just to learn people how to make their aircraft have a custom starting sequence, lol.

    Idk, maybe my opinion is also just a bit twisted: to me the learning of new stuff is what I love most about SP.

    "Like, even for the very least we could separate this stuff into colours or something..."
    I think this is a good idea, kinda like some plugins for VS Code.

    +6 2.9 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    While I understand the frustration, we all have to gather the information from somewhere. The patch notes detail any new changes, special mechanics... A good read of them can help you piece together a complete picture of how things work.

    +3 2.9 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    whenever I activate the button, I can not make the input turn off

    Read the patch notes-this is determined by the XML property interactionType for buttons. Try setting it to Toggle.

    +4 2.9 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    @jamesPLANESii Oops, didn't notice that part. My bad.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    @Korzalerke No he's saying make a comprehensive guide in the game I'm pretty sure. For tutorials.

    +4 2.9 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    @EternalDarkness That only worked for minecraft because it skyrocketed in popularity. For a seemingly random mobile game with confusing mechanics that is a horrible idea. Especially since from inside the game the only way to learn about the site at all is through the "Download Planes" button. Nothing inside the game tells you the website is actually important and not just a place to download planes.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    31.3k ALTMTR

    Most of the time it's just an extremely high learning curve juggling between the game, website, and other means to get some knowledge around FT.

    I really think it should be a community post than a built-in tutorial since there's so much to cover especially with the maths, trigonometry, computations. So yeah, there's still hardly any tutorial of certain kinds, specific stuff like target leading, proper use of fuse inputs, activation timing, the like.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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