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How could we make a plane design into an RC plane?

3,436 TailessAce  3.0 years ago

So how do you put your simpleplanes creation into an Rc plane? how do you make a plan out of it? Do we have to use a different software?

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    3,436 TailessAce


    +1 3.0 years ago
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    2,186 Chich2000

    @TailessAce So you would use SimplePlanes as a basis of a blueprint essentially?

    3.0 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    @Juno Sure!, but it's gonna be big, so it's mostly like gonna be foam or a plastic/fabric balsa mix

    3.0 years ago
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    2,186 Chich2000

    Do you own a 3D printer?
    That would be one of the only possible ways to create it (irl) if that's what your trying to say.

    3.0 years ago