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Black Screen Upon Startup *WITH SOLUTION!*

51 InsanelyRidiculous  9.2 years ago

Hello everyone. i just got the game yesterday and immediately i have an issue.
i get a black screen but the music and interface still work.
i spent several hours trying to fix this, from reinstalling, to deleting registry files, to using Glary Utilities and Advanced System Care programs.
nothing worked.

but i figured it out with one simple thing.

i opened the task manager. (ctrl+alt+delete)
visually scanned through and what caught my eye was a process named "gameoverlayui.exe (32bit)"
and it looks to be ran by steam.
out of a complete guess i ended the process and the black screen disappeared.


so i just noticed that i don't need to end that process. Just pressing ctrl+alt+delete makes the black screen disappear. would anyone have any clue as to why this is happening?

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    1,921 florky

    it happened on me on mobile but its purple but is still clicks and plays the game

    maybe simpleplanes is not compatible on devices that has no ram higher than 1gb

    2.8 years ago
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    i got this bug too, and with no music, and no sound. Even tho i tried pressing ctrl+alt+delete

    4.1 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @InsanelyRidiculous I'm glad I didn't get this bug, I'm was so ticked with the fallout 4 screen flickering bug that forces you to go into the game files, and change it to run in borderless when in it in borderless in runs like your pc is a $1000 toaster instead of a pc with a gtx 970 with widows 8.

    9.2 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison No problem. im just happy it was that simple.
    not sure if it helps but i am running on windows 8

    9.2 years ago
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    Thanks for letting us know.

    9.2 years ago
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    9.2 years ago