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How do u make a landing gear

4,288 Foodtastegood4K  2.9 years ago
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    14.3k Griffon1

    As in custom gear? I use this meathod:

    • Attach a hinge to the base of the gear
    • input "clamp01(LandingGear)" into the hinge's input
    • attach a shock to the hinge and set the spring strength and damper to 7.5 (which would be 750%)
    • Put a small fuselage piece at the bottom of the shock to place a wheel on
    • Remove suspension and steering for that wheel and adjust size accordingly.

    If you want to add steering to the gear, put a rotator between the hinge and the shock and assign the input and steering angle into the rotator.

    I hope this helps!

    2.9 years ago