hippity hoppity get off my property
i’m leaving so yeah
EDIT: Mother of god. The cringe is tangible.
6,923 G2
2.6 years ago
hippity hoppity get off my property
i’m leaving so yeah
EDIT: Mother of god. The cringe is tangible.
@BeastHunter wanted to see how far i could take it lol
until next year lol
@Almost Thank goodness.
@BeastHunter jk
@BeastHunter well most people think that way
@Almost You’re not.
@BeastHunter no. i’m just a whiny butthurt little child that no one cares about.
@Almost Are you kidding?
@BeastHunter because people said i act like an 8-year old
Noooooooo why u leave??????????
@BeastHunter April 1st