I've seen a lot of people mentioning him on older posts, and his profile is not visible, so I'm trying to figure out exactly who they were.
If you have an answers, or comments, feel free to put them below.
I've seen a lot of people mentioning him on older posts, and his profile is not visible, so I'm trying to figure out exactly who they were.
If you have an answers, or comments, feel free to put them below.
@BeastHunter Yes
@Leahh Are you really Tully?
1. 147k
2. Because I was not fond on how a few members are in the community and how they behaved during a certain period of time and it hurt my feelings so I quit.
3. There was maybe like 1 or 2 but it's not something I really wanted and I'm glad it didn't really cause massive amounts of posts
My, my, questions…
1. How many points did you have when you deleted your account?
2. Why did you do it?
3. Why can i not find any "OMG TULLY GONE!!!11!" posts?
@Leahh Lol
Hey look, a post asking about me!
I will answer any question, feel free to ask :)
Former mod, User with the record of most comments made in this website (i think), was mod, but resigned as mod (never saw them as mod since i joined the community after they resigned), a few months ago they deleted their account then came back as Tully2 i think
Tully2001 is still around as Tully2 smh
you should be our official "user investigator" or smth @Juno XD
@Bellcat were/was** get the pronouns right ffs
@Juno, as with DeveloperKorzalerke’s comment, no. Tully2001 voluntarily deleted his account; Tully2001 did come back, until he deleted the account again.
@Juno Apparently he deleted his account at some point, kinda weird how nobody mentioned it. You'd think the highest ranked mod quitting would be a pretty big deal.
@Bellcat Was he removed from the website for his "ban happy" attitude?
Tully2001 was once a moderator, the one with the most points at one time, who developed a reputation of being “ban happy”; he uses various methods (like asking for their age) to try and ban as many people as he can. As of 2022, I have never seen the community mentioning Tully2001 again.