Regarding the recent incident(s) regarding people joining ASH, i feel obligated to make this.
To reiterate:
We are NOT, under any circumstances or in any way, letting people join ASH.
This is to prevent a Webdrivertorso style event from occurring.
Thanks for your time,
@MrCarrot This is long dead, a monument to time. Over the years it will pass and collect dust.
Please please @MrCarrot
3 months and still haven’t posted a plane lol
@Brayden1981 how about no
UNBLOCK ME NOW @OnlyRealCarrot
Also I remember the day you guys created the account
This account is 3 months old and still no posted planes on it
@OnlyRealCarrot In ten years.
@ASHIndustries @Croissant @X99STRIKER when are you guys posting your first plane?
@ASHIndustries Fair enough.
@JustWingIt If that happened, it would end up as AJHSJEBDUDBDUDISNAJDIEBDNNSOSJRJEJFKDNDJDJEAQWERTYUIOASFGJLZCBNMIGFYJFYKVFUBXGV Industries because everyone would want to join.
@ASHIndustries You could have called it AJHS Industries... I walk a lonely road
@ASHIndustries :(
@JustWingIt Not even you.
Awww, not even me?
@ASHIndustries Yay.
@ComradeKaiser7 Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
Hold on, does ASH stand for: Almost, Striker, Hunter?
@CarrotDynamics Yes, we are working on a plane.
If it gets finished, we will post it here.
@DeveloperKorzalerke oh, i dunno.
what is happening here
@AlmostADev Why would you ever allow people you dont trust in the account?
@DeveloperKorzalerke Just using it as a referance, we are trying to keep things (mostly) professional.
Imagine an Underaged user getting their hands on your account, screwing with things, changing password, email, etc etc
@CarrotDynamics @Juno Here you go
Wow it got that big?