I think I win
100 pages legit lol
That's almost 2400 unlisted planes, and will almost certainly be 2400 unlisted planes or more by the end of the week lmao
I take backing your planes up while you're building seriously lol. Maybe a bit too seriously...
my planes are more unlisted than yours chekmate
Ok thanks
@ThatRandomCouchPotato When you're uploading, there's a button that says publicity and it says public. Click it so it days unlisted and then upload.
How do you post an unlisted plane?
Wish I was able to see the unlisted cars if existed
@jamesPLANESii But they do loops before crashing for no reason.
@xNotDumb cause ai dumb
They blew me up while i was exploring maywar
Why do AI bombers kamikaze on land for no reason?
I did the same thing with my later builds, especially after a major PC crash/reset.
I have no unlisted builds lol
It's all backup and stupid creations
why are you green explain yourself at once
@goxictamer88 XDD
@jamesPLANESii yea fair
@asteroidbook345 Less likely than the hard drive stopping working
Also if I upload then online, I can access them on any device wherever I go.
@jamesPLANESii fair but what if the site went down and lost the data?
@asteroidbook345 No point if I loose it or it breaks.
Jesus christ get an external hard drive lmao
@jamesPLANESii holy frick
thats a lot, but i guess with over 1500 parts and many hours put in you can never have too many backups
Just counted, 185 unlisted backups for my Scout Weka lmao @AlmostADev
@AlmostADev I think I have about 120 for my Cessna 180 lol. I probably have even more for my Scout Weka lol
13 crafts in public and 4 unlisted. I'm cool 😎
@jamesPLANESii I do too. i’ve got 25 different backups of the same plane.
@Dathcha here da plein