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Can't put multiple switches on one block

48 MLGHerobrine  2.9 years ago

I've been trying to make a non-realistic rocket, however I'm only able to put one switch on one [straight] block side. Is there a way to put [snap] more than one switch (basically put more than one object on the side of a [straight] block)?

While I'm at it, is there a way to easily align switches together, without fine tuning the coords (like a snapping system)?

Thanks for responses!

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    @BeastHunter Ah, so fuselage blocks allow multiple connections. Thank you!

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    50.7k BeastHunter

    You can’t do that, but if you scale a fuselage block to look exactly like a block, it would work.

    +1 2.9 years ago