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"detachOnExplosion" XML option

625 RedAndGreenAmongus  2.9 years ago

There should be a new XML option called "detachOnExplosion" where parts could be prevented from immediately detaching upon getting caught in the blast/explosion radius, for example when "detachOnExplosion" is set false in a part it would never detach from other parts once hit by explosives (explosive cannon rounds,dumb bombs, missiles and rockets) this so gigantic aircraft like airships, flying aircraft carriers etc, would never separate large fuselage immediately once hit by a bomb, and on unedited parts "detachOnExplosion" would be set to true like the other normal XML option things (I really don't know what they're called)

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    @DeveloperKorzalerke did that and very big aircraft still seperates once hit by a single boom 50 on an spot near the center fuselage

    +3 2.9 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    partCollisionResponse, set it to none. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it does.

    +1 2.9 years ago