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[QUANTUM ERA] - Universe Timeline; Basic faction introduction; Hub post

13.4k Grob0s0VBRa  3.0 years ago

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Greetings and Welcome to this little project of mine.
Wonder what is it, right?
Just a little sci-fi-ish sandbox.
It includes many different things that comes from my head and other universes that you may recognize (like Star Wars, WH40k, Gears Of War, Supreme Commander, AC, the other AC, Mechwarrior, etc,). it isn't really realistic but still will have some come connection with real world physics and stuff.
Uh, fine

Imagine the future. Different technologies that influenced life aspects in good and, sometimes, a bad ways. Imagine the struggle of humanity for survival against many, many factors. All the fights in minds of the humankind. All the possible obstacles on its way of progress, evolution, ascencion.

It is all about the humanity.


  • 2012- Theory of Quantum Tunneling is created.
    • Continuation of researches may open potentially new way of space travel. Space expansion is crucial not only for survival but also for further development of human race.
  • 2021- 1 atom of Cesium teleported 1 km away from starting point.
  • 2024- 1mg of Iron successfully teleported to Low Earth Orbit (ISS)
    • Innacuracy of such transportation was not pre-calculated and equalled 21.9 cm. Alpha nor target module (Kibo) did not suffered any damage. Still, further increase in distance and object mass may affect jump precision critically.
  • 2036- first successful transportation of a living being. Colonization of Solar system by quantum travel is possible.
    • FIrst to travel before the Human were: bees(6 NPP), rats(11 NPP), apes (17 NPP)

    • These jumps allowed to optimize transportation procedure minimizing imprecision.

  • 2044- First Human transportation. Moon outpost was set. Most countries unite under UN flag.
    • Moon outpost was assembled just by teleporting modular pods above the facility so the new ones could land on their own and get merged with previous
      modules freely.

    • At the beginning it was heavily dependent from Earth supplies but eventually develop into self-sufficient research base capable to sustain on it's own production levels.

  • 2071- Humanity establishes a research base on a Triton for further, Out-of-Solar-System expeditions.
    • Aside of Moon and Triton, humanity managed to set outposts on Mars, Titania (Uranus III), Oberon, Titan, Ganymede, Europa.
  • 2101- First Interstellar colony is founded on Seed-5.
    • Jump to cover over 4000 lightyears required immense amounts of power (109 NPPs used on each transportation).

    • Problems with development of this colony suspends further expansion until new colonization program is approved.

  • 2103- UN Officially reformed into an Earth Empire.
    • Whole Humankind is united under its flag.

    • All research facilities on Earth and outposts are focused on revisiting colonization program in order to optimize space exploration.

  • 2110- Revised colonization program accepted.
    • Scientific Boom grants humanity a number of advances in term of nanotechnologies, genetics, medicine, artificial intelligence and energetics.

    • New colonization program assumed that colony can develop on it's own with just three modules: Basic habitat with DNA storage, cloning chamber and a bit of space for operating personnel and basic life support systems; Material and energy processor module with drones capable of gathering local resources; 3D-printer array that will produce all the vehicles and new modules.

  • 2114- First Quantum Gates built. They provided constant connection between Earth and Seed-5.
    • First quantum travel rigs were a circles 30 meters in diameter built on Earth surface, while modern gates are orbital, tunnel-like structures almost 700 meters in diameter.

    • They, unlike simplier and outdated rigs, allowed fast transportation of much bigger objects and provided Earth Empire a mean of control over new colonies.

  • 2115-2170 - 9 stellar systems were colonized.
    • These colonies hastily develop, with full support from Earth, for use as forward bases in upcoming space expansion.

    • Those systems, including Sol, would be then named Cradle sector.

  • 2191-2258 - First Expansion wave. 16 out colonies established successfully, out of 27 planned.
    • First of the most ambitious plans of humanity since formation of Earth Empire was used to raise trust in the regime among citizen, but failed miserably, mostly due to technological unreadiness, insufficient planetary exploration and increasing tensions between original humanity and cloned colonists.

    • In that period Earth government revise most of its own apparatus, gaining full control of the colonies. A mass of changes in political, economical, social and genetical programs to maintain order.(e.g. new clones had only a specific set of knowledge and injected, false memories).

    • 7 more planed star systems were colonized before 2277.

  • 2277-2294 - White Plague Crisis.
    • Humanity strongly relied on their knowledge of genetics and cloning technology while establishing new colonies, thus meaning, all researches and experiments were under full control of Empire and most of them were kept in secret.

    • Presumably, corruption in specific circles or sabotage from enemies of regime led to numerous breakdowns in laboratories all around Sol system.

    • Epidemics led to shortage of human population by almost 86%.

    • Unrecoverable damage to genetic labs in Sol system left a whole generation of colonists being a virus carriers and (or) incapable of reproduction.

    • Unfortunately, most data on this incident is lost.

  • 2306- The Homo Sapiens extinct. Survivors of the crisis create Homo Mutatio from reserved genetical codes that was saved for new colonial missions.
    • In order to endure crisis as a race, government decides to strongly modify remaining genetical codes, getting rid of susceptible to virus combinations (including injection of a synthetic DNA, generated from animals).
  • 2309- First Symbiont, hybrid of human and a co-processor AI is born.
    • While government officially relied entirely on new genetics program, there was a sort of backup plan that included cybernetization of population.
  • 2310-2454 - Re-colonization of previously lost planets, establishment of Quantum network, creation of Loyalty Program, Martian Uprising.
    • In W.P. times many colonies were lost or abandoned, some due to lack of crucial equipment to endure extreme environments, some seemed to be not so loyal and were counted as rebels.

    • With the restoration of colonies government also started to build quantum gates to form a network that will cover all systems and provide a better control over them.

    • With growing numbers of hybrids the Earth Empire wanted to ensure a complete control over them and secretly starts works on a so-called Loyalty Program.

    • One of the lead scientists of this Loyalty Program retires from project to partake in long-range expedition. Contact with the mission was lost immediately after passing gate, the only thing government was sure in were possible malfunctions in navigational systems of expedition.

    • Right after the expedition gone missing, a number of colonies reported of mass riots started by hybrids. Empire government on Mars was overtaken by rebels, military contingent was sent to resolve the conflict. Their underground activity was stopped only with activation of Loyalty Program in 2357.

  • 2461-2534 - Second Expansion wave. 167 out of 181 colonies established.
    • While this plan went much smoother comparing with First Expansion and main problem with colonizing new horizons was lack of advanced terraforming technologies, also keeping all the colonies under control became almost impossible for Earth Empire.
  • 2541- Seraphine II colonized. First contact with a Intelligent alien lifeform.
    • Until that time Humanity was sure they're only intelligent race, atleast in this arm of Milky Way.

    • Alien presence was not uncovered by basic surface scan.

    • With finding of aliens, militaristic part of the mission declared quarantine, cutting off all communications with Earth according to emergency protocols.

    • Scientists went on numerous expeditions to alien colony, without agreement with military command, thus provoking their paranoia.

    • Increasing tensions in Human colony had brought attention of the aliens. Militarists, in order of self-defence, decide to sterilize planet from natives.

  • 2542- Contact with colony on Seraphine II lost.
    • After successful cleanse, the quarantine was lifted, communications re-established and all collected data was sent to Empire.

    • 12 hours later government asked for a response on a new instructions and received only one word, Unclean. Colony declared lost.

  • 2552- New colonization mission is sent to Seraphine II. Failure.
    • As the original human colony was lost to rebels, new mission, reinforced by military escort, was sent to get rid of them.

    • Surface scans performed from low orbit revealed numerous complexes scattered across the surface of the planet . Basic research on them did not showed any match in architecture of Seraphim or Empire.

    • None of those complexes responded to threats and requests to surrender.

    • According to last transmissions mission was destroyed on descent by unknown weapon systems.

    • Seraphine and closest star systems declared a quarantine zone.

  • 2552-2599 - Preparations on a Third Expansion, armed conflicts with colonies of runaway Symbionts.
    • Empire needed a new Expansion wave for implementation of numerous complexes in colonies control apparatus in order to suppress or atleast lower the unrest among civilian mass.

    • Long lost expedition that preceded Martian Uprising did what it was used to do. Empire sends military forces in order to gain control over the colonies on the edge of human-known-space. Successes of this campaign were negligible.

  • 2587-2599 - Advents crusade against Earth Empire.
    • Since 2552 colonies near Seraphine system were reporting on a local conflicts with some sort of fanatics, Successors of the Way or the Advent, as they were calling themselves. Government forces were successfully dealing with them and settling the unrest among masses.

    • In 2587 Seraphine II declares war on Empire, massive invasions and numerous riots break quarantine zone and a number of star system.

  • 2600 - Earth Empire collapsed.Quantum Blackout.
    • Military defeats against Advents and symbiont freedom fighters, also known as the Nation, numerous riots among civillian mass provoked by their underground activities, full scale internal coflicts, global anarchy. All that led to fall of the Empire.

    • As a last resort, original government activates a self-destruct sequences on most of the gates, destroying Quantum Network. Remaining gates left inoperable without crucial software and jump confirmation protocols from Earth.

    • Many colonies were completely lost due to full-scale war conflicts and interdependency. Few of the remained started to rebuild, proclaiming autocracy (they referred as Forgotten, Remnants, Voidmen), others tried to stand, till Earth government will return.

    • All these events resulted in overall technological degradation.

  • 2622 - Creation of Earth Federation. Beginning of colonies reunion.
    • On remains of Empire new, militaristic government is formed.

    • This is the greatest military coup in humanity history.

    • In next 10 years Sol, Seed and a number of other star system unite under Federation flag.

  • 2632-2902 - Unification War also known as Endless War.
    • Federation desperately tries to restore borders of the original Empire, restoring peace in human-known-space, mostly through war effort.

    • Advents proceed to convert people into their Way, dealing with impurities, be it a human or symbiont.

    • Nation mainly tries to protect it's own people against Federation and Advents aggression.

    • Most of the conflicts doesn't shifted balance of power for much. Yet centuries of constant warfare had its impact on everyone.

    • In 2902 one of Federation superweapon projects, the Black Sun gets compromised. A giant surface based site on Earth, capable of sending high-yield nuclear warhead using quantum gate principals wherever they want.

    • Nation and Advent militaries hastily assault Earth in order to capture that object for their cause. Nation wanted to cause a new Blackout to deal with the Advent threat and establish itself as a autocratic lands, free from Federation tyranny or atleast win some time to replenish forces. Advent, in turn, wanted to spread their teachings of Way all across the galaxy, try to open quantum dimension, evolve and reach Seraphims.

  • 22.06.2902 - Quantum Rupture opens on Earth.
    • A giant, 10km wide and 4km high, Rupture opens near the Black Sun complex. That stops fight over it, Nation and Advent forces retreat. Previously unknown spaceships leave the Rupture and start glassing Earth.

    • These designs match the Seraphim technologies. Aliens wage an extermination war against humanity.

  • 26.06.2902 - Sol star system is lost.
    • Soon after that Advents split into two factions. The most met aliens as gods and they accepted them as servants, for some time. And remaining few stayed loyal to their original way.

    • Nation suffered Schism. Super Computer based on quantum tech derived from aliens, Q.A.I., predicted invasion and, in order to survive, turns against its own creators, executing modified protocols of original Loyalty Program.

  • 2902-2912 - Humanity loses most of the population and territories in war with Seraphim.
    • Humanity was not ready for alien invasion.Caught off-guard in times of internal conflicts, human race was losing worlds due to not just Seraphim technological superiority but also disunity.

    • First success in defence on the human side is listed by Nation forces on Jabo V in 2909.

  • 08.01.2912 - Remains of E.F., Nation and Advents form Coalition to overcome mutual enemy.
    • Even though formation of Coalition was a last resort, it did not instantly smoothed tensions between factions by any means.
  • 01.11.2913 - With combined effort Quantum Rupture is closed.
    • Even Seraphim technologies were not enough to keep Rupture opened for more than 10 years, that required immense amounts of energy, even for them. So they started to build the Quantum Doorway, gigantic, self-sufficient gate that will keep Rupture permanently up, granting them constant flow of reinforcements from their [dimension/worlds].

    • A combined army of Coalition enters Sol system on 22.09.2913. and deploys for final assault on Earth on 13.10.2913. On evening of 01.11.2913 Doorway was destroyed and Rupture is no more.

  • 2914-2947 - Fights with remains of Seraphim forces.
    • Coalition hunts down remaining invasion forces of aliens, also dealing with insurrectionists in Advents and Nation ranks.

    • By the end of war with Seraphim, Federation accepts independency of Nations worlds and involves in Advents internal conflict.

  • 2968 - Coallition disbanded.
    • From it's very beginning, the Coalition was nothing but a military alliance, formed in time of great need. So, as soon as E.F. declared that Seraphim are driven out of human-known-space, it was disbanded.

    • Even though Coalition is no more, the fact of its existence had an affected everyone. Demilitarization in Advent ranks, Nation restores rights of symbionts and concentrates on space exploration, Federation limits own propaganda programs and rebuilds many colonized systems, thats few of the examples.

  • 2993 - Present day.

Main Factions:

Earth Federation

In 2600 the old Empire collapsed, leaving all human space in state of civil war, global anarchy and, with destruction of Quantum Net, almost complete isolation. Corruption of government apparatus, numerous conflicts that escalated into full-scale war and irresponsibility of regime are few of the reasons which led to its end. Yet there was a little hope to rebuild.
Military Command on Earth survived the rebellion and started to reunite Sol system, the hard way. On ashes of Empire they created Earth Federation, free from bureaucracy and corruption of predecessor, the only goals of which were bringing order to galaxy and humankind unification.
To success at these goals Federation was always ready to act harsh, being a a pseudo-democratic totalitarian government. Comprehensive propaganda and life under almost constant wartime pressure developed a hardy, conservative and slightly paranoid mentality among citizen. They want stability from Federation, even though many may question or not support their methods and decisions at all, have retained a number of ancient religions as well as cultures and are able to unite in the time of need.Social hierarchy do not offer much freedom and has rigid structure, supported by authority of the government. Unity stands as a main motto.
E.F. military represented by ordinary, classic technologies with slight modifications derived from the Empire, most of its arsenal is gunpowder-based with only a few basic energy-based projects. Most vehicle designs can be characterized by high durability and raw firepower.


So called White Plague Crisis not just almost destroyed human race, it, whether it was sort of sabotage caused by radicals or, as some assume, Empire last resort to prevent a rebellion or something, did sentenced humanity to change. By the efforts of remained genetical laboratories, new, viable sub-species of human was created, based on a synthetic DNA. Even though that gave an immunity to a number of diseases existed back then, there were downsides, an incompatibility with original Homo Sapiens be it reproduction, organ transplantation or so-long practiced memory injection (which also mean lesser intellect capabilities, need in extended training programs for new colonists and less control over them from government).
To restore infrastructure among colonies that were lost in chaos of crisis Empire initiates extended researches on the ways of cybernetical improvement of human race.
After a volley of failures, in year 2309, in one of specialized labs on Mars, the AI co-processor was successfully injected in human brain, such pair received the name -Symbiont. This not just gave a boost to human inttellect but also simplified operation of most electronic equipment and allowed further body modifications for harsh conditions making them well-suited for new colonization missions.
With popularization of conversion into symbionts, Earth Empire, in order to prevent tensions between normal and hybrid citizen and maintain full control over new colonies, secretly start work on advanced AI-protocols which would allow to suppress will, making them completely loyal to government.
With program almost ready, in year 2349, part of the scientists retires from this project to participate in upcoming long-range expedition. 3 colonial ships were equipped for a mission, unfortunately, contact with them was lost near gates. All crews considered missed in action, including Augustine Breegan - lead scientist in symbiont and loyalty projects.
Not so long after all colonies and Sol system suffer from sabotages and numerous riots. At first, Empire was unaware of origins of this disorder, but they soon found out that it all started because of radicals among hybrids, which knew about Loyalty Program despite secrecy. Insurrections were finally stopped only in 2357 with activation of Loyalty Program.
All that started because of creator of symbionts, doctor Augustine Breegan. Being dissapointed in Empire rule, their exploitative relations with hybrds, he not just declassified and sabotaged Loyalty Program but also gathered trusted symbionts to flee into deep space in search of refuge from government tyranny.
Symbionts had settled their first colony on a barren planetoid, called Procyon IV by them, far beyond the edge of human-known-space at that time, with use of just few, basic technologies, also being short in terms of both human resource and equipment. Through hardship they formed Nation, a social-democratic government without any connections with Earth Empire, which wanted them only as a brainwashed, always loyal, will-less machines.
At the beginning, Nation positioned an isolated existence, life in a shadow as a main goal, but later, being uncovered by Empire and unable to reach a peace agreement with them, they change priority to free all the symbionts from Loyalty Program, restoration and protection of their rights.
There is a number of similarities in Nation and Federation citizens life styles, yet hybrids were more predisposed to science, than war, cold-minded, tolerative, cooperative and protective mentality, had less rigid social hierarchy. Aside of full-scale colonies they live in numerous self-sufficient facilities of various scale, specialty and location, sporting a habitable complexes, called Node or Meridians. Freedom stands as a main motto.
The Nation did not had own military up untill year 2555. Only with start of Empire aggression they started creation of self-defense force and most of their designs were straight conversions or ,at least, heavily based on a industrial equipment that they had in use. Nation, lacking a full-time armies with compatible strength to the ones of the Federation or the Advent, was capable only to run covert operations targetting industrial facilities, cybernetics labs and military objects.
The fall of Empire gave symbionts a time to respite and rebuild, but, with the Earth Federation retaking its territories, there was little to no hope for peace agreement. In fights with new government and other threats Nation relies on chemical, electromagnetic and energy weaponry, their machines characterized as versatile and practical, fast, in both combat and production, with high-tech equipment, mostly suited for hit-and-run tactics.


Seraphine star system was discovered in year 2519 and was known for Seraphine II, 2.3 times bigger than Earth planetoid, covered by oceans, mountains and, most likely due to presence of plant life, has breathable atmosphere . In 2534, with end of Second Expansion and after a number of surveys, it received a high-priority status for colonization. At 12.04.2541 mission modules land on its surface.
After Martian Uprising events Empire decided to not completely rely on symbionts in colonization missions, even with Loyalty Program active some of them may not show expected obedience, and, in Second Expansion and further, they were reinforcing missions crews with specially selected, trusted military contingent, for better control over colonists. Crew sent to Seraphine system was additionally extended and included 1200 total participants for faster development of new colony.
Mission arrival was confirmed but they did not opened communications with Earth, surveys showed that colonial equipment was intact and government was aware that the reason of radio silence is not revolt. Only 2 weeks after mission landing Empire got evidence, that Seraphine II already was colonized before them. Star system receives quarantine status and E.E. sends new colonial missions to closest systems in order to form a sort of defensive line, while crew on Seraphine II was left to themselves.
On landing procedure, mission crews were performing trivial tasks, following standard protocols, like surface scanning and basic researches on the atmosphere. Fortunately or not, they noticed that terrain maps created with optical and radar equipment differ drastically and the atmosphere is almost identical to Earth. It was then confirmed that there are numerous structures, which definitely are not parts of natural terrain, in approximately 500 km from landing zone. Right after landing crew started hastily establishing base and gathering resources in order to be prepared for anything, as fast as possible.
A group formed for covert reconnaissance had confirmed presence of intelligent alien lifeform, even though it was detected, natives did not shown to be agressive by any means. According to collected data, alien colony had some sort of cloaking and jamming devices as defensive measure. 2 Weeks after landing, crew sents a group of scientists as envoys, for making contact and examine their colony in close proximity and, despite the fact that it was not possible to negotiate with them because of language barrier, envoys returned in one piece on the next day.
Even though so called Seraphims are neutral to humans, they were always avoiding contacts with them outside own colony. After a number of reconnaissance operations it was confirmed that there is only one alien colony on the planet, yet, numerous outposts with, presumably, long-range communication arrays and surface-based quantum gates. Possible risks of revealing Earth if colonists try to report about mission brings distress to military contingent. Expeditions of scientists to natives colony, some of which were not sanctioned, also increased disturbance among them. Furthermore, expeditors were showing affection to aliens.
The ever increasing paranoia in command ranks had reached its limit 9 months after mission start. It was decided to get rid of aliens and personnel that showed xenophilia. Unfortunately, there was no way to destroy Seraphim colony with a direct strike, as they had technological advantage, and because of fanatics escape, the time was limited. Efforts of remaining loyal scientists, most of which were hybrids, had created a biological weapon. Virus successfully sterilized planet from the natives, yet most of runaways was not found. Still, with alien problem getting solved, military command finally opens communications to report on incidents to Empire government. Being unaware of exact numbers of xeno-sympathizers among own colony, they were overthrown by rebels in less than 12 hours.
Next crew, sent 6 months after last contact with Seraphine II, was used to deal with rebels, but they expected Empire military. Its ships were destroyed on descend by sort of planetary artillery, previously undefined. After analysis of newer, even though incomplete, surface scans Earth government extends quarantine zone, leaving colonies on 7 star systems to themselves.
While first expeditions to alien colony were met with caution, with time, human-scientists gained trust of natives and, in turn, they saw a potential in humans. Seraphims were allowing scientists to study their tech, lifestyle and, to some extent, biology. Alien philosophy proposed harmony and peaceful existence and was radically different from what Empire was providing to its own people.
Increasing frequency of expeditions was not left unnoticed by command and it was assumed that aliens did brain-washed expeditors. Imprisonment of all participants standed as a part of counter-measures that were performed. Yet, that was not enough, as scientists shared knowledge of alien Way with crew, thus making a number of sympathizers. The result was an uprising among colonists, led by one of the first expeditors, doctor Joanna d'Berk.
A cult, based on teachings of Seraphim Way, soon grows into self-sufficient, religious government, the Advent as it called itself, purpose of which was an enlightment of humanity and stopping of the Earth Empire, the defilers and destroyers of worlds.
Advent society is very ambitious, impatient, always ready to do anything for what they think will bring peace and prosperity to human race, show almost fanatical devotion to own cause and united. They are communicative, yet intolerant to those not supporting or following teachings of Way, zealously protect and study the artifacts of Seraphim, often show aggression towards symbionts, positioning them as a non-humans, which cant be saved. Social hierarchy based on a caste system, includes status and rank inheritance from generation to generation and, still, a bit less rigid comparing to Earth Federation. Purity stands as a main motto.
Following the Way, Advent rejected most of the original, human, tech, replacing it with counterparts, based on alien designs. Their military relies mostly on an energy and some, more or less, exotic weaponry, most of their machines are highly specialized, have immense firepower and known for unorthodox layouts.


The one wonders: Is use of devices of quantum travel as an ordnance delivery system possible?
Old Man speak: Ha! Oh, yes. The madman's among Federation think they can do that. And, even though, they cover most reports with a black ink, We know how many lives were lost in incidents.

The Traveler wonders: Does humankind colonizes space only using quantum travel?
Governor answers: Hm, of course for establishment of the first, lets say primary, colony in a new distant star system quantum travel have highest priority. With development, that colony then starts it's space program in order to develop the rest of celestial bodies in system. Also, as far as i remember, the light-speed drive technology was introduced in XXIV century and was claimed inefficient for interstellar transportation, but that might be not the only reason

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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    You're here, good.
    I've felt like:
    2222 hours in this little game is quite an achievement (thanks Droo and Co)
    Why not celebrate that with something global?
    *Intensive thonking*
    And Ta-Da! Here you are! Standing on a top of an iceberg!
    Yea, that is a universe to play around

    Feel free to ask questions,and, if they would not create spoilers, i will put them in a section after factions lore.

    Have fun.

    Pinned 3.0 years ago
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    @Grob0s0VBRa funny yet feels like desa Vu all over again but it's a good mod but there is some difference. The Quantumium or quantum crystals are extracted by the QSF (Quantumium Special Forces) and assisted by the UNDF (United Nations Defense Force)

    +1 7 months ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @RavenOverlord lol.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @Grob0s0VBRa Hi, call me Raven or so...
    I'm deep sorry to tell it's already a mod in a RTX game called Rusted Warfare and the mod is called Quantumium Warfare

    7 months ago
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    I have a minuscule faction that would exist in this universe,a group of rebels calling themselves “the vasgard independence front”the got obliterated by the earth empire in 2557,sending them back to the Middle Ages in technology,but recently they have launched a small satellite and now refer to themselves as “vanger”,they exist in a fairy isolated area of space and don’t have to worry about much. @Grob0s0VBRa

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    just what came in my mind after reading it

    captain's log
    year 2057 13th of april

    me and my ship (GUARDIAN - FSE CAFE)

    after doing some WARP test of the new engine upgrade ,

    but in the final WARP going back to earth (my universe) an error occured during warp sequence but somehow managed to warp back to earth ,

    but noticed something that wasn't right the earth is different (your universe)

    i panicked , i checked the coordinate's but nothing was wrong, it was really earth

    after a few minutes wandering in the ship's bridge and checking the ship's engine,

    an unknown spacecraft approache's my ship and few moments later it start's to board my ship

    and i was waiting at the bridge thinking that should i do ,

    should i ambush them or should i hide , and then it came up to my mind that should i welcome them and in that way they might be able to help me

    and i thought about welcoming the boarder face to face
    if they could help me. . . . . . . .

    end. . .

    2.9 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    @Aviator01 you can't even make the wormhole here

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    @Grob0s0VBRa both

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    *TEC Extensifies*
    Upd: Life Is Currently Bruh

    3.0 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    @Grob0s0VBRa TEC intensifies

    3.0 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    *Kodiaq spam goes BRRRRT*

    3.0 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    @Grob0s0VBRa i feel you. same thing happened to me when I played Sins Of A Solar Empire. some of my oldest designs even has names of the ships.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @Aviator01 In SP, hmm...
    Probably a cannon with enormous speed of projectile, which should be set explosive, plus correct code for detonation and disableAircraftCollisions be true on part itself...
    Gah... No way, it doesn't work because we can't make projectile go through terrain.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @MAHADI Hold up.
    gosh, darn. This thing, it really have way much matches with original SupCom.
    I did not realised that i remember it's lore THAT GOOD. So most of the matches are actually spontaneous
    Welp, that's first time when i do some kind of sci-fi universe, i had no doubt that it would not go well, just cause i'm inexperienced in storytelling and stuff

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    158k MAHADI

    bro you need not place the whole Supreme Commander wiki here! XD

    3.0 years ago
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    ah, yes, more human-stupidity-based lore, my favourite

    3.0 years ago
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    14.2k Aviator01

    @Grob0s0VBRa Is there a way to actually launch nukes through a quantum wormhole that is possible to build in SimplePlanes? If so, can you do it?

    3.0 years ago
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    51.0k BeastHunter

    @Grob0s0VBRa I think so. Tag me when you post the creations!

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @BeastHunter Ah, do the pics work correctly?

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    Sounds like a success for me.

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    Already In process.
    Or you think i've announced an universe just to build only aircrafts.
    Heh, mechs, airplanes, submersibles, tanks (modless and not), ze botes, some examples of factions architecture and more

    +4 3.0 years ago
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    51.0k BeastHunter

    @Grob0s0VBRa I actually found this forum a few minutes from when it was posted, but I made an attempt to read it.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @BeastHunter Aye
    Thats one fast boi!

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    51.0k BeastHunter

    Please build ships from this.

    +1 3.0 years ago