Make the smallest plane to win! * Prize: Many upvotes. DUE BY Feb. 1 My entry ** Rules: no mods, must work well, must be moderately stable. Score will be the overall area (12L 13T 8W would be a score of 33.) Lower scores better. No part clipping.
Make the smallest plane to win! * Prize: Many upvotes. DUE BY Feb. 1 My entry ** Rules: no mods, must work well, must be moderately stable. Score will be the overall area (12L 13T 8W would be a score of 33.) Lower scores better. No part clipping.
I build a very small JET
@Sirstupid ok i might try to break the record (even though i think that its near-impossible now xD)
You can.@Droslash
@Sirstupid Can i make another entry or we are limited to one?
@Mod @Skua Score to beat: 12.3
@Skua Score to beat: 12.7
@Skua okay!
Feel free to check. Things have still been nudged about, but nothing is hidden
@Skua wow, is this seriously possible with no clipping?
@Sirstupid alright here it is, with what I believe is a score of 12.7
@Sirstupid I made another entry without the clipping abuse that disqualified my last entry, but I think it's actually even smaller. I'll upload it as soon as the issue with the site is sorted, but you can have a picture for now
SCORE TO BEAT: 19.4 @Droslash
Click the link@Gaben
It disappeared @Gaben
Yes@Lucasmah provided it can fly for at least two minutes
@Sirstupid can it be a glider?
@Skua Ok i will look at it
@Droslash no worries. Look up Markdown formatting, that's what this site uses, although it's a simplified and reduced version on here
@Skua Thanks a lot, I tried to use some codes i found on the net but it didn't work. I will use this from now on.
@RocketLL yeah, I think we all have
@Droslash use this format:
So, for your plane:
Becomes Flying Cube
People says "is this fastest/biggest/smallest plane blah blah"
But who know? The ~St plane is no one.
Here is my plane, it does not beat Skua but is still small:
Nano Cube
I'm in! I will let you know when im finished with my design