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How do I shoot bombs faster?

396 BSEW100  2.9 years ago

I want that when throwing bombs they come out quickly since when I throw bombs they come out very slowly between one and the other

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    36.3k Icey21

    @BSEW100 make sure there's no space afterwards.. a rookie mistake I make when trying to use "disableBaseMesh".

    2.8 years ago
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    23.7k TylerWildDog

    Get detacher, add all the zeros, then watch the results

    2.8 years ago
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    396 BSEW100

    @ZWLenning I already tried but I don't know why it won't let me

    2.8 years ago
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    9,177 ZWLenning

    in overload, under the Bomb tab, you can add a variable called firingDelay, which can be given a value in seconds. for spamming, try 0.1

    +1 2.9 years ago