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Multiplayer (my version)

36 FINNIDAY  2.9 years ago

I don't know if anybody has suggested this yet, but here is my idea for a multiplayer game mode.

First off, this would be VR recommended because the things I will describe are hands-on and not really for pc or mobile.

Ok, now on the game mode. There would be one large "earth" lobby where people can fly like in real life and then smaller lobbies just to have fun with others. These smaller lobbies can be private.

First, in the earth lobby, you get to select a career. When first implemented, you can just have ATC or pilot to choose from. Later on, you will have the options for ATC, Emergency services, Cargo Pilot, Passenger Pilot, Passenger, Co-Pilot, and so much more.

Next, you get a license if you choose jobs like ATC or Pilots. This will allow you to fly different planes. Now for each successful flight, you get 10 points. Extra points are rewarded for the smoothness of the flight and cooperation with ATC and other planes. You can also get points by completing scenarios outside of the main server. 1 Successful flight means taxi, takeoff, landing, without damaging the plane.

So, now you have a license for piloting planes and you start off with Cessnas or other smaller planes and move up and unlock bigger planes like Embraers or custom planes around that size, and finally get to the big Boeing or Airbus planes. The points required are less with cargo pilots due to no passengers and barely any points are needed if it's a private plane.

The air traffic control will have designated areas to watch over with their radar, speaking to the crew of planes and making sure to avoid collisions.

A possible SPAF (airforce) role could be introduced to escort planes out of restricted aerospace and fight enemy aircraft. Now the devs can add different nations to the game if they would like but I personally don't like this idea.

The SPAA (simple planes FAA) can approve or deny planes allowed to fly through the world while overlooking the ATC and pilots to make sure everything is ok. These would be the moderators most likely.

Well, that is the basis of my idea. Of course, other people can make their own private or public servers and make their own rules for them, but this is just focused on the main server which I would love to help with. Thank you for reading this far, cant wait to see what you guys think!

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  • Profile image
    9,382 Deandash

    nice idea.Currently,we can use multiple player mod to multiplayer.

    2.8 years ago
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    96.9k ReinMcDeer

    Can't wait to go 600 kts and do a vertical in a hot air balloon

    +2 2.9 years ago
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    14.2k Aviator01

    I don’t know how this would work, considering that multiplayer is a mod, but I like the concept.

    2.9 years ago