Recently as i was tinkering around with MiG-23 from Soviet A.I Fighter Pack made by @Z46 ,i noticed that missile,as soon as target is in range,will start locking with a lock angle of 360 degrees,ignoring the limits of lock circle.
How to fix this?
Recently as i was tinkering around with MiG-23 from Soviet A.I Fighter Pack made by @Z46 ,i noticed that missile,as soon as target is in range,will start locking with a lock angle of 360 degrees,ignoring the limits of lock circle.
How to fix this?
nono the image link I mean
@ZeroWithSlashedO my disc is bane05#7602
picture won't show up блять
use discord or smth
@ZeroWithSlashedO guess this picture will be a good prove...
btw targeting angle of the missile is 45 degrees
Well you see...
What @Phoebe said was correct.
To achieve such ability, you need to put maxTargetingAngle to the missile, and put the value to "180" or "360". The missile will then lock to the target, ignoring wherever the target is. Unless the target is behind a cover, it's going to lock the target as soon as it gets into the range.
@Phoebe @ValkyrieXB71 i said that lock circle is still same but it will lock on whether inside or outside circle