I went stalking the SR2 website. They have a really small community... They also make a lot of crafts that would be on SP. Such as: Su-34
Such as: cars.
Such as: Su-37.
They also have a really weird point system. There are more milestones.
They have white, blue, green, blue, black, gold and blue. Every post that would get hundreds of upvotes here, would only get 20 or a little more upvotes.
I went stalking the SR2 website
18.3k ColonelCanada
2.7 years ago
@soldier289 Agreed.
They have evolved a little differently from us. These works are very good but underrated and should be paid more attention.
@IceCraftGaming @SheriffHackdogMCPE
Don't worry...that mod will be back. He'll be back when I get SR2...ahem anyway
@ColonelCanada flies ac130 to target
Chases rocket with ADFX 01
SR mod: flies away in rocket
*Whips out GAU-8 Avenger
Uses stinger
@IceCraftGaming yes bring the full auto pistol into the fight
proceeds to fire rockets from german corsair
*Pulls out glock 18
@IceCraftGaming hopefully none of the SR2 Moderators find out-
gunshots, explosions and incoherent yelling
@ColonelCanada lol
@IceCraftGaming yeah I gained access to the SR2 website via your account lol
I'm a part of that community, and I am beyond impressed with their builds. Builds on their site that would get 30 upvotes would get 100+ on the SP site.
Their builds are quite underrated
I also did this a while ago (which I also made a post about)
I've already seen some games with the same system to change the shape of the SR2 fuselage, and I didn't like it at all, it seems very inaccurate, and from what I saw in gameplays, I think I'll stick with the SP system
If I can't use the same as SP in SR2 I honestly won't buy the game
I mean yeah, I didn’t like the building tools or mechanics when I tried moving over there compared to simple planes, so I just sorta stuck around here apparently they fixed it but idk
yeah i saw that
also foxtrotthesergal is the BogdanX of SR2
yeagh, sr2 community is pretty small
might consider joining sr2 just to make planes
I have enough to buy one from the store, dunno when am I going to buy it though