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So i had a idea

63.3k PapaKernels  2.8 years ago

So watching the player content feature over the past few months i noticed a reoccurring theme, they were almost all PC built aircraft and vehicles, and it got me thinking, what if there was a mobile content feature as there are so many good mobile friendly, and mobile built aircraft and vehicles that get next to no higher recognition.
Heres a few i found
euioa's avro newcastle
AliceArisuShiada's SS Edmund Fitzgerald
Ayanon's ijn hiryu
Just to name a few.
I thought about doing this myself but i got a few reasons why i unfortunately cannot
1. My device still isn't powerful enough for some of the larger mobile builds
2. Im pretty dang busy with school, and over the summer im most likely going to have a job so there would be next to no time to record and edit videos
3. Im not the best at doing cinematic videos and well, doing it on a phone doesn't leave much room for creative video making with a camera and everything like that

my main question to you, the community, is do you think this is something that you would like to see? I feel it can help bring more representation into community. It always seems to be the same 10 users who are featured, and its great that they get recognition for their skill, but it just seems that there are some other really good builds that are just over shadowed by these "better" builds.

weither you choose to agree or not i will not tolerate any sort of hateful comments or Arguements. This is just something i feel may need to be addressed.

thank you for reading!

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    I think that would be great, especially if a lot of community members come together to do this

    +3 2.8 years ago
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    63.3k PapaKernels

    @DeveloperKorzalerke lol, i shall not stand for this.

    +4 2.8 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    [Insert hateful argument here]

    +4 2.8 years ago