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I'm volunteering to remaster someone's build/s

827 AkasukiNomura  2.7 years ago

Note: I'm doing this to make people happy without spending a lot of time in their devices but don't expect me to spend almost all my time to make your request/s and please be patient if you submit a request. Please follow the format below before you send your request.

  • Link of the build that you want me to remaster
  • Your suggestions on how will I remaster the build (e.g. VR cockpit, etc.)
  • Name of the owner (if the build is not yours; Skip this part if the build is yours)
  • Extra message you want to tell me (optional)

If I returned the build, please tell me your observations like if something is wrong, etc. so I know how will I improve myself.


I'm not using a PC on playing SimplePlanes so please submit a mobile friendly build and if you hated me because of this then close the tab that you use when you read this and leave me alone.

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    36.1k Icey21

    @AkasukiNomura oke

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    Noted. Please wait because I am doing something but I downloaded the plane btw

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    36.1k Icey21

    Try to VR this thing. I never got around to do it.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    ohh ok

    2.7 years ago
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    What do you mean by head room?

    2.7 years ago
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    Thank you

    2.7 years ago
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    600 parts is the max for mobile I think because the build you sent me is 307 parts and my phone can handle that.

    How did you put the link in the text btw? the This thing ?

    2.7 years ago