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I got to say this (plus a hiatus announcement)

64.2k PapaKernels  2.9 years ago

So for the past few months ive just been in a dark hole that im still struggling to get out of, so im going to take probably the next few months off to just build what i can and not feel like im letting everyone down by me not uploading. Its been super rough with all my irl problems and everything so this is necessary for me. Probably wont be on the site to regularly but i may pop in and updoot some stuff when i feel like it. Im so thankful for everyone who has followed me and decided to updoot my stuff and i cant wait to get back into things. While im away im going to be working on mainly vehicles, but there are at least two planes that will be released. Probably my last creation i will upload will be my submission to walvis's challenge.

This is also going to serve as a post saying that i am going to be focusing on strictly car builds from now on. I may post a plane every once in a while but dont expect them. The amount of mobile friendly car builds on the site are so limited and i want to make sure we with phones can play with some good cars to race on the gold prix circuit and oval office.

thank you to anyone who reads, and if this is my last post, god speed.