As of today, April 30, 2022, X99STRIKER and I have achieved the exact same amount of points.
Because of this, it is my duty to declare a short, meaningless point war to 7K. I do not expect to win this war, because X99STRIKER has 4 times the amount of followers I have, and also has more name recognition.
The winner shall receive:
3 Upvotes (from the loser)
97 servings of borscht
The loser shall receive:
5 Rickrolls
Some uncooked spam
Who won?
*posts unedited fuselage
@7 That was one short-lived war, lasted a single day.
I just made you lose, the point count should update soon
As in that’s what I should post?
@X99STRIKER soup?
@X99STRIKER You have 6 points less than him
this battle will be more than legendary
@Aviator01 Also, don't let others know I'm trying something going sky-high and maybe beyond... (no the starships don't count bc all the current prototypes can't manage low-earth orbit).
@Aviator01 I have four aircraft carrier prototypes, an airborne battleship, three starship prototypes, two tank prototypes, three artillery prototypes, and a video trailer that hasn't been touched in about 8 months.
@stevemc01 Procrastinating on megaprojects? I literally do not know how to do anything else in this game. Most of the stuff I posted today was 6 months old.
6605 vs 6614 right now.
You guys figure out who has what
(April 30, 2022 EST; 4:32 PM)
Lol meanwhile I'm here with megaprojects that I keep procrastinating.
5-6-7-8 I prob'ly shouldn't participate
@X99STRIKER I posted a purple spam can that hovers and got 10 upvotes, so really i think the least effort you put in it, the more points you get. Just post a flight computer and watch the upvotes flow in.
What’s the stupidest sh*t post I can think of that can get me to 7k…
Wait you can cook spam?
This should be good.