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6,120 ExistentialDAerd  2.4 years ago

Okay im having problems making the nose gear cause it auto yaw's its annoying af ive been trying to fix it with different types design and it still does that so it might not release soon if this problem keeps on.

But if somebody knows how to fix this please help design the nose gear.

Or you could just give tips.

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    Ill just use the Landing gear(not retractable) for the wheels so it wont veer and stuff ill just make it work out.

    Pinned 2.4 years ago
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    @DeveloperKorzalerke i think i might not go with custom nose gear:/

    2.4 years ago
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    @DeveloperKorzalerke yess its the gears that have the problem

    2.4 years ago
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    11.6k JesusChrist

    @Darg12e Did you make sure the vertical stabilizer's airfoil is set to symmetric?

    2.4 years ago
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    @DeveloperKorzalerke yess

    2.4 years ago
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    11.6k JesusChrist

    @Darg12e Did you check if the CoM, CoT, and CoL are all alligned on the center?

    2.4 years ago
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    @Darg12e Now its one it still veers to the right.
    i fixed the sinking its just the main leg of the nose gear it doesn't like 0 mass

    2.4 years ago
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    @DeveloperKorzalerke okay 2 problems the shock even tho i put like 20 or 15(1500% or 2000%) it sinks and it still veers to the right

    2.4 years ago
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    @DeveloperKorzalerke oh oke

    2.4 years ago
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    11.6k JesusChrist

    @Darg12e If there are any pistons or shocks, don't set the mass of those to 0 either.

    2.4 years ago
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    @DeveloperKorzalerke i did does nothing seems wroung but when i set it to 0 not the wheel it just wobbles alot or explodes

    2.4 years ago
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    OHHHH, you mean the "veering to the side" thing that tends to happen to custom gears?
    Well, for that, you can go to the settings, enable manual traction, and reduce the sideways traction. Although the "veering" still exists, it wouldn't be as strong as it was before. But, decreasing this also reduces your tire grip in turning.
    I recommend tuning it into around 50-70. Going too low will cause the tire to lose grip significantly, causing the ability to drift like a drunk man if you don't countersteer immediately after turning.

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    @DeveloperKorzalerke oke ill just try what u said

    2.4 years ago
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    11.6k JesusChrist

    @Darg12e Not at the moment.

    2.4 years ago
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    @DeveloperKorzalerke its the nose gear i think.

    but could you check?

    2.4 years ago
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    11.6k JesusChrist

    You sure the nose gear is the problem? Try saving the plane and then deleting the nose gear to check, might be assymetrical weight. Also if the nose gear isn't completely symmetrical set it's mass (except the wheel) to 0 on overload.

    2.4 years ago