2 Things.
Main one first:
Use Postimages.org for image hosting. I’ve seen this question a lot lately.
Second Announcement: I am a french bread now.
Informative Post.
6,953 G2
2.7 years ago
2 Things.
Main one first:
Use Postimages.org for image hosting. I’ve seen this question a lot lately.
Second Announcement: I am a french bread now.
@X99STRIKER I guess
There’s no https:// in the thing I copied is that the problem perhaps?
I did that, emailed it, copied it, did the ![]( thingy, I wanted to have a happy little doge gif in my profile :(
@X99STRIKER well.. yea.. just Gmail it to urself, open the mail, right click it, then same process
Didn’t work. ):
For image hosting?
Wait you can use Gmail to!?
You're almost a croissant, but not quite. You'll almost always be almostbutnotquite.
Edit: i'm so cringe
you can also use Gmail and Discord
@Croissant There's probably some obscure pun about croissants on some weird french forum from 2009, the only thing you find when searching for my username is me though, i am actually immune.
@DeveloperKorzalerke we are immune... both of us.
@Croissant Well jokes on you, i am also immune to name puns.
@DeveloperKorzalerke hahahahahahaha!
for i am immune.
-69999 social credit
How do I use discord as an image hosting site
@U came here because I tagged @U!
Who dare to tag me?
@Croissant I almost didn't recognize you, but not quite.
@ColonelCanada now others may know my pain
Croissant is gud.
People will finally stop making the name jokes- HEY LOOK ITS @U
@Scratchoza oh.
well that’s a problem.
@Scratchoza I don't use discord so i can't do that, is the website blocked on your country?
About the main one: for some reason, my devices (and I think a few friends) dont load images in postimages.org so uhh I suggest you guys use another place like discord or something
You were always French bread.