Trying to be original while simultaneously trying to replicate something is almost, like 97% impossible. When making a replica, I don't suggest that you try to be original, because someone, and someway will do it first. If you want to be original, put a feature that's exclusive to your aircraft and not replicate an aircraft design. I'm sorry but, It's kind of dumb to think "I want to replicate this to be original".
If you want to be more original, just make a fictional one, why not? This is SimplePlanes, where the impossible could be possible. Put your creativity into it.
@DyingPan No matter how original you try to be there will always be someone who made the plane before you, plus no one cares about this unless you're making a P51D.
Do what I do when I'm to lazy to put in a new name ad an extra letter or something like that for example: wasp becomes waspp or wassp its the lazy approach as I call it
I mean, has your opinion on this changed?
god fuckin damn m8, this was 1.4 years ago
Exactly why i dont bother with 1:1 replicas. Theres always someone who can do it better.
Trying to be original while simultaneously trying to replicate something is almost, like 97% impossible. When making a replica, I don't suggest that you try to be original, because someone, and someway will do it first. If you want to be original, put a feature that's exclusive to your aircraft and not replicate an aircraft design. I'm sorry but, It's kind of dumb to think "I want to replicate this to be original".
If you want to be more original, just make a fictional one, why not? This is SimplePlanes, where the impossible could be possible. Put your creativity into it.
@DyingPan No matter how original you try to be there will always be someone who made the plane before you, plus no one cares about this unless you're making a P51D.
@DeveloperKorzalerke I want to be original
Do what I do when I'm to lazy to put in a new name ad an extra letter or something like that for example: wasp becomes waspp or wassp its the lazy approach as I call it
Is that the name of a plane? If so, how does someone else making it stop you from making your own version?