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3,436 TailessAce  2.8 years ago

An South east part of Australia and New Zealand map. As long as it is 1;1 (if possible, if not, you can shorten the distance between them) scale, has the runways in Australia: (Sydney Kingsford Smith, Cooma, Hobart, New Castle, Melbourne) New Zealand: (Wellington airport, New Plymouth, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin), water and realistic terrain height. The land can be green
If possible, put carriers inbound for these countries.

Will reward if possible. Not money sadly. If anyone can help, please dm.
These are for the students that we'll be teaching, and would be nice if the SP communtiy can try it out also!

Thank you thank you thank you.

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    11.7k JesusChrist

    I don't think anyone here is willing to do something like this, especially not for free. You're better off commissioning an artist to make the map and then importing it to the game with a label.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    Would be a great map, but with something that big and the realism you're asking would be difficult. I don't create mods but it would be time consuming in my opinion.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    If you need

    2.8 years ago