I have a bunch of projects going on rn, none of them close to being finished, except for one: The Glider and its last teaser, 3 months ago. This plane is basically ready to upload, though I have a few details to finish in the cockpit.
Now, the bailout system. It uses a parachute attached to a weight of around 60kgs to simulate the pilot. Yes ladies and gentlemen, SP Physics have done it again! The parachute prefers laying down rather than acompanying the trajectory as you fall. And I refuse to upload a craft with that mistake. This error was reported by me months ago. Nothing changed.
So for now enjoy these 2 million 73 thousand and 600 pixels arranged in such a way it depicts the build:
I applaud you for your efforts in counting each pixel for us all
Why did you post 2 million squares of varying colors here? Is this some kind of pattern i don't understand?