I want to make a challenge, but I don’t know what it should be. If anyone could think of a challenge they would like to enter or like to see, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I want to make a challenge, but I don’t know what it should be. If anyone could think of a challenge they would like to enter or like to see, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
WW2 ground support
• AI Combat Effectiveness
- create an effective low part count build that could fight. Criteria is based of dogfights, looks, controls, and weapons
• Delta Wing Bomber
- create a delta wing bomber. Criteria based on looks, weaponry, controls, groundedness of realism
• AWACS and Escort
-create an AWACS plane and it's supposed escort.
The BOOM challenge.
The goal?
Make a bomber with
BOOM.experimental aircraft
Food product challenge.