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Jet planes are jumpy, how do I fix?

57 Woaeo  2.8 years ago

I'm still pretty new to this game, and have just started building jets. While jumpy may be the incorrect terminology for what I am talking about, whenever I try to go along the pitch axis, the plane will first take a sharp angle upward, then go bobbing up and down. It can also just bob up and down when I try to go up or down. The roll axis is also a bit weird. When I roll left or right and start pitching, I cant roll anymore. Another problem with the roll axis I sometimes have is that it will start rolling down while pitching. Does anyone know how to fix these issues?

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    @WNP78 Ctrl C + Ctrl V

    1.9 years ago
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    5,895 FarrowTECH

    @WNP78 hey I have a question, is there a way to add damper to the control surface of a wing or is it only possible through rotators and hinges? I've been having trouble with using custom control surfaces. I made a post describing my issue in detail and I could use some advice from a veteran of this game.

    2.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    Another thing - pressing the S key to pitch up will max out your elevator to full pitch up. You'd very rarely do this in a real aircraft, so it might struggle to pull itself. You might gain some knowledge by taking a look at the very simple fly-by-wire system on the stock "Wasp" aircraft. The elevon rotator is a bit hard to get to, but the expression for it is fairly simple:

    Pitch*0.3 + Trim*0.07 + Roll*-0.05 - PitchRate*0.002

    The -PitchRate expression is what is used here to dampen the oscillations caused when abrupt keyboard inputs are used. It has a similar damping for yaw on the rudder.
    As for "it will start rolling down while pitching", what you might be experiencing is a "flick roll" (I think it's a "snap roll" in the US) where due to increasing the angle of attack greatly, one of your wings stalls before the other causing it to rotate down, which then increases the difference in angle of attack of that wing further, causing the aircraft to spin. The way to stop that is simply to not stall your main wing.

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    57 Woaeo

    Adjusting the airfoil seems to help, thank you.

    2.8 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    The pitch problem might have something to do with how how much lift the plane has for its mass, maybe increasing the size of the wings could help with that. I never ran into the first roll problem you mentioned, but i think the second one might have to do with the wing stalling, maybe making the plane pitch slower (by decreasing the elevator surface size or rotator angle if you use those) could help fix that.

    2.8 years ago
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    7,366 Bellcat

    Would a more correct term for this phenomena be “shaky”? If your craft experiences shaky motion when pitching, try to reduce the airfoil.
    Roll left and right and start pitching, then it cannot roll anymore? That seems abnormal, but try to reduce weight.
    This is probably a sign that your plane is imbalanced in either, aerodynamic and weight-based situations. Setting the rudder as half-symmetrical or flat bottomed might cause the plane to go unpredictable. Try to make the plane symmetrical; many planes are symmetrical because of balance reasons.
    As DKnotSpy pointed out, the performance flies bad.

    2.8 years ago
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    @Woaeo high altitude=air too thin for planes

    2.8 years ago
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    57 Woaeo

    Forgot to mention but when I get to higher altitudes I have no control of the plane.

    2.8 years ago