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Combat SPMP server Idea

8,689 JCTECHNOLOGIES  2.8 years ago

Someone should create a SP MP Server for combat, there will be a squadron of 5 fighter jets on 2 sides, Raven Team and Eagle Team there will be a discord server that hosts and plans these battles

Team Deathmatch,
One team will spawn at Wright and one team will spawn at Yeager, Last team standing will be Victorious

Death match,
Everyone spawns at one place and takes off, there will be 30 Seconds where nobody is allowed to attack each other if anyone broke the 30 second rule, they will be disqualified. After 30 Seconds the Deathmatch commences and all hell breaks loose and the last one standing will be Victorious

Bridge Assault,
Assault Squadron will spawn at Wright while the defence team will spawn at Yeager to defend the 2 bridges, there will be a time limit for the Assault Team to destroy both of the bridges

Fleet Assault,
Same thing as Bridge Assault but with USS Beast and 2 destroyers, USS Beast is only allowed to be targeted when both destroyers are destroyed, defence team will spawn on USS Beast while assault team will spawn at Yeager

Raven and Eagle Squadron will be assigned a VIP on their Squadron, 1 out of 5 of each Squadron will be Assigned VIP, the objective is to destroy enemy’s VIP while protecting your, VIPs will Be allowed Slightly Buffed Weapons and Increased engine power. One team will spawn at Wright and the other at Yeager


Only Default SP weapons allowed (So no Overpowered Weapons) VIPs can adjust Weapon stats by 2X maximum

Only Default Counter measures allowed (Use the Counter Measures Wisely)

Any Aircraft needs to add Eagle or Raven at the end of their names, depending on what team they are assigned to

Maximum of 6 Hardpoints (No comically large amounts of Bombs,Missiles or rockets) VIPs can have 8 Hardpoints

No cannon Recoil adjustment (You can change cannon caliber Firerate and muzzle velocity to the default limits but you are not allowed to adjust recoil)

Maximum of 4 wing guns or 2 Miniguns (VIPs can have 2x as much)

Maximum of 1 Cannon (VIPs can have 2)

NO FRIENDLY FIRE( don’t ruin anyone’s fun)
Default Engines only (VIPs can change power multiplyer to 2)

NO BIAS, on VIP matches, The VIPs will be chosen at random using a browser spin wheel

This is just a suggestion for anyone that might want to do it


You can bring your own aircraft aslong as it follow these rules


Game modes will be voted via democracy, first game is random

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    @rexzion haven't seen you in quite a while, since I was studying for my exams for so long, so nice to see you on platinum now! Anyways, yeah, desync is a problem, so you think SPMP dev will fix it one day?

    2.8 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs


    2.8 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    good idea if MP ever allowed any of this to work.
    1. air combat is super janky because of de-sync
    2. miniguns, wing guns, rockets, and cannons don't work at all in MP
    3. countermeasures don't do anything
    4. fleet assault doesn't work since the ships are client-side and not synced
    I do have an idea for tank combat in MP since it's alot easier for MP to handle, ship combat may work as well, but i don't think aircraft combat will really work.

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    @Karmen u live in the UK?

    2.8 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @JCTECHNOLOGIES I would love to join. Though I don’t really join mp as much because of school and final exams.

    2.8 years ago
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    @Karmen I See, After My exams, I'll host a Discord server, and I need someone with a semi-powerful computer to host the MP server, I have a Mac and it's not powerful enough to host a server, it's a Mac 2020 27 inch, I'll need quite a few moderators

    2.8 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    This sounds interesting. My SPMP discord server could of hosted this, but I had deleted this server because we merged with SPSC…

    2.8 years ago